#5. [Blockchain, Copyright, and Steemit] Copyright and Creative Commons Licence(2/4)

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Copyright and Creative Commons Licence (2/4)

Things You Should Know about

Many of blog postings on the web, drag photos from Google Images are commonly used attachment ways to the blog. However, because everyone is doing it cannot be proven to be right way to do that. Whenever you need a photo in your steemit, blog, facebook or twitters, you should have full responsibility of what you are doing under right guideline.
There is very important and critical copyright guideline, that you should be aware of, so-called "Creative Commons Licence(CCL)".

I believe knowing this CCL would be helpful enough for you to avoid to infringement of copyright.


Figure 1. Creative Commons Licence Organization, https://creativecommons.or


Here is the summary of the terminology related in copyright.

Copyright: Copyright is a exclusive legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work for its use and distribution. The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same1).

Creative Commons Licence (CCL): A CCL is basically applied based on that an author wants to give people the right to share and use upon created works of the author. Therefore, CCL protects the people who wants to use or redistribute an author's work from concerns of copyright infringement2).

References: Sort of declaration of using any material or work protected by copyright. Therefore, a reference is required for showing the original source of the item.

Intellectual Property: Originally created work or any materials including a variety form of properties of picture, music, and writings from an author under protected by Law .

Copyright Infringement. Any Consequences?

Nowadays, finding any images you want from Google or any other website is easily accessible ever. Compared to this easier accessibility of images, often, people are not aware of that using such intellectual property without permission can be imposed with heavy federal fine ranging from $200 fine to maximum five years in prison and up to $250,0003).
(OMG, seriously?)

If the photo without any copyright notice or watermark on it, can I use it for free?

Absolutely Not. Unfortunately, copyright law in general does not claim to original author(creator) to include the copyright notice in the intellectual property. It is not forced to notify the copyright(ownership), legally. Therefore, the responsibility of use such intellectual property is solely depend on content user's acts.

Creative Commons Licence?

Therefore, when you need to use images or any intellectual properties under copyright, you better find the material under CCL. As briefly described above, original author already provide certain conditions of using the created material without any permission from original author.


What kind of CCLs are out there?

There are four different type of licences of 'Creative Commons Licence' categorizations under CCL organization. These licences were called 'baseline rights' to distribute the copyrighted work in creative works/materials.


Figure 3. Four baseline rights

Using these 4 baseline rights plus public domain, sixteen combinations can be possible however, seven regularly used licences were valid combinations. When you are writing your own posting on steemit, you can use one of these valid combinations of creative commons licence to protect your own copyright to the people who want to use your original works/materials.


Figure4. CCL valid combinations

You can find your own copyright condition among those combination. Usually, CC-BY-NC-SA was declared in most of my posting cases.

Blockchain and Copyright + CCL?

This topic, I believe, has never been discussed in any other writings, postings, or articles as far as my knowledge. Steemit is a novel blockchain-based SNS system. That is the one of important reasons why you are required to have serious consideration for using intellectual properties from previously posting #4. [Blockchain, Copyright, and Steemit] What on Earth am I Related in Copyright in Steemit? (1/4).
Since three different new concepts are incorporated together, therefore, it is hard to predict how the CCL works on blockchain system. There are also some movements of applying the ownership of intellectual properties on blockchain system already. Next posting is about such futuristic copyright system applied on blockchain.

Previous postings related with [Blockchain, Copyright, and Steemit]

  1. #4. [Blockchain, Copyright, and Steemit] What on Earth am I Related in Copyright in Steemit? (1/4)
  2. #5. [Blockchain, Copyright, and Steemit] Copyright and Creative Commons Licence(2/4)(Current Posting)
  3. To be continue... (3/4) Hope soon
  4. To be continue... (4/4) Hope soon


  1. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright
  2. Creative Common Organization, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/?lang=en
  3. US Federal Copyright Law, https://www.copyright.gov/title17/

※ All images (unless there is any mention about original source or citation) are edited and recreated under CCL from free imaging pool websites such as Pixabay.com.


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