The danger of asbestos-That has taken millions of lives

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Asbesto-Is a slow death centencia

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The terrible thing is that even in the 21st century there are still thousands of factories currently open and Governments are made deaf ears as if they were immune to these terrible cancer of asbestos.

There are three types of minerals classified as asbestos: chrysolite, cristolito and amosito, the most common is white asbestos, in the first place, which is used in the world 95% of the construction.

Asbestos is a mineral very cheap, almost indestructible, immune to corrosion, fire-proof and low electrical conductivity, therefore, used in the preparation of various products such as tiles, ceilings, pipes, curbs, lacquered finishes, plastics, floors and paintings, among others.
But this compound, invisible to the human eye. According to Vicente Conde, Chief of occupational health of the Instituto de Seguros Sociales de Bogotá, the problem is that this fiber being inhaled, reach the lungs and kills the cells without any treatment can be performed.

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Contact with asbestos causes three types of diseases: asbestosis, cancer of the pleura and lung. Symptoms of asbestosis are progressive shortness of breath, fatigue and disability. Recently, a company that used to manufacture of final products, the ISS detected in 21 cases of asbestosis asbestos. But it could also be at risk, for example, a mechanic whose function is simply the car brake pads change, once they contain asbestos.

According to the report by the environmental protection agency, contact with asbestos causes between 10-12000 deaths each year. For this reason, in some countries of Europe, Asia and the United States, ordered the dismantling of building products that contain asbestos, especially in public buildings, even with the high costs involved. -

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