Hello friends,
As the years is already began we continue on bearish at Steemit price. Maybe it will continue same for a while.
Price at the moment of this post (15-Jan) is 4656 Satochis (Bittrex exchange).
Some months ago, my plan was to participate more here. But I really don't feel as I want, not because of bearish tendency but because I asked some times about the issues of my blog (I cannot visualise my posts) but no one answer. It is kind of uncertain to know that I am doing posts but later I cannot read. And still I don't know what is happening ...
Anyway, I am tracking some investing on @dlease; it looks like a good way to get some extra income.
So, if somewhere I can find any explanation why I cannot visualise my blog, I will be happy to try to fix. For the moment I have no idea of the issue. The only reason I can imagine is after the Hive chain creation. But I really don't know about.
Any idea what is the issue with my blog?
Enjoy the day!