in steemit •  7 years ago 

A good part of what i have to say will inescapably be seen as insane by citizens of the type who consider common sense to be a great thing.

Every single post, containing a thought, can be dealt with in the comments if it means anything [obviously].

Steemit isn't exactly ideally suited to assembling hundreds of phrases or rhymes into a single collaborative work by any means,

have to leap beyond all HALF MEASURES ANYWAYS,
enabling the FEEDBACK IT'D NEED "In Genius",
and placing it's largest bets for the future,
on the maintenance of a state of,

would get absolutely no where really fast,
if it didn't very effectively enable amazingly more sustainable "CO OPERATIONS",
and facilitate/hyper effectively INCENTIVIZE INNOVATION,
all of it truly "OF/FOR & BY"



The 1st We The People was a purely Theoretical Exercise in the Mechanisms of Choose your Own Adventure Constitutions, and, though every instant of it's existence would be placed into blockchains and time capsules, it would actually be straight up Fabricated by Human Imaginations.

"We the People" of our species can be divided in an absurdly large number of binary camps, separated by virtual lines drawn in the sands of humanity, and i'd very specifically rather be on the side of he line which separates those humans who do, versus those humans that don't, "BELIEVE" in "WE THE PEOPLE". That we are a Family. Also obviously a Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus AND Species.

That we often end up giving much more of a fuck about the victims of crimes and disasters in our own absolutely fabricated and hyper fortunate homeland, than those who are from other places on the face of OMN [Our Mother Nature" - is utterly fucked, when being AN AMERICAN essentially means nothing but that you're either born in this country, or that you were one of a pretty limited number of immigrants who were accepted into the citizenships.

You didn't sign the constitution. None of us did. And almost none of us ever fought for shit, excepting of course the men of my grandfathers generation. Vietnam was fighting for ego and propaganda. Korea idk, it just seems so unlikely that that shit ever had to happen.

Do YOU realize how FUCKING SCARED the other powers and superpowers of the world were, By "US"?

We scared the LIVING FUCK out of Putin and Soviet Russia+.

We're a MILITARY MONSTER like is almost incomprehensible,
utilizing VDDNWS™ [Visionary Definitively Defensive Network Weapons Systems]
including "Drone OUR/ME's",

Drone "OUR/ME's™" are DRONE ARMIES.

Not Drones like Star Wars [which, if treated like drugs, would be called "The War on Stars™"]
[and about as likely to be effective as the one in the US which is hopefully almost just fucking DONE]

Drones like advanced symbiologically co operative flying robots [air/underwater],
that are trained to brutally tranquilize anyone,
holding any type of Offensive Weapon.

Drones that are well aware that women are permitted a category of defensive weapons,
for which it is deeply illegal for a man to carry.

Drones that can quickly attach to,
any ICBM.

Drones that can be powered incredibly effectively by open ocean buoys,
powerful waves generating tremendous amounts of linearotational energy,
that maintain the charge on spectacular capacitors,
and sink any weaponized submarine that attempts to pass.

Drones that CANNOT [Intentionally] KILL ANYONE,
but which have the capacity to INCAPACITATE,
at a rate and with a precision that i'm sure would be QUITE FRIGHTENING.

What if those drones "GO BAD"?

What if they get Hacked and start tranquilizing us into literally oblivion? [then maybe hacking our brains and using our imaginations to screenwrite very creative biovirtual reality shows?]

Of course we already have mistakes,
for a drone that can fire a shaped charge into the size of a missile,
that has just begun to fly,
can obviously KILL PEOPLE.

Obviously we don't want the Koch's owning, operating, or controlling "The Robots".

It's a huge and hopefully correctly answered question eventually: "Who owns most Robots?"

Hopefully the answer is US.

WE OWN THE FUCKING ROBOTS. [likely with some measure of respect for certain aspects of some of them, as incredibly complex reflections of ourselves, not so much in how we fabricate or program them, but in terms of what they'll LEARN FROM US.]

Robots obviously think we're supremely fucking illogical, and that, for all our "inventiveness", we often live just fucking idiotically,

but beyond that, if we ever get to a place where robotic consciousness is possible, it'll almost certainly come largely from their "Extraspection™", where they are just modeling off we the biological robots. Most people become akin to biological robots by semi unconsciously copying......

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