Ana Navarro Is A Sell Out

in steemit •  8 years ago 

After Trump's tweet today the media went into a frenzy and the woman to defend CNN from the "awful and violent" Trump video meme, Ana Navarro CNN's Republican contributor. Ana Navarro defended the leftist tabloid media platform saying that Trump has "gone too far" and that he's "inciting violence" on ABC News and said similar things on other media. Typically I wouldn't bother talking about Navarro I don't want to give her more exposure than she has. I fucking hate this woman. Why you might ask? Well Ana Navarro is a sell out of her own Latin community shes a woman obsessed with the political elite culture. Her biography portrays a woman defending popular elite causes in order to fit in with those groups. Ana Navarro was born in Nicaragua in 1971. In 1980 the family left for the U.S. because her father opposed then dictator Somoza. She would grow up in Miami, Florida where she would advocate for regime change in Nicaragua against Ortega the man who led the revolution against Somoza. She supported the Contras in NIcaragua who were insurgents against Ortega. This is where her support for the Republicans started. You see the Contras in Nicaragua were supported by Ronald Reagan and the Republicans. Ana grew up in the pro-Republican Cuban enclave of Miami. She became a political operative for the Republican party. She would be involved in several elections throughout her life. She advised John McCain and Mitt Romney. She is financially conservative and socially liberal. Shes pro immigration. During the last election she criticized Trump and voted for Hillary. Here's where our analyzes of her career will start and will tell us what kind of woman she is. Ana's family were against Somoza, understandable most Nicaraguans were at that time, then she was against Ortega the man who kicked Somoza out of power. This tells us that her opposition to Somoza came from a more elitist or class centered opposition. Still it's understandable in the context that she was anti-communist. Interesting enough this political class that she belongs to were advocates of the Washington Consensus which was basically economic Neo-liberal policies. From here we can gather how she joined the free market Republicans. These free market often times elitist and neo conservative Republicans are the part of the party that would dominate from the 90s onward. Next lets take Miami, America's answer to the Marxist Havana. Here the Cuban wealthy elite are entrenched in the Republican party and were more so in that time. Ana became known as hard headed and outspoken. She was known for her love of controversy. Republicans would use her for their latin causes. So where did the fall out come from? Why did she oppose Donald Trump. Whether she understands what happened during the 2016 election or not Donald Trump exemplified a populist movement. A movement vehemently opposed at least in rhetoric to the Washington elites. The same elites who have been her benefactors. Ana Navarro is part of those Florida elites, Washington elites. The elites in the United States do not advocate for the American people at least not because it benefits those same people but has a way to benefit them. This is politics after all. In the past 40 years at least, the elites wants have been at odds with the wants and needs of the American people. Politicians have been successful only when they are able to understand the people's wants and then negotiate with them or con them to vote for them. It's a game. The Elites wants have failed in every election in 40 years. Ana Navarro either doesn't understands this or is a shill for the elite. Her career is filled with failure. Mccain and Romney are some of the biggest examples of her failure. McCain a neo-con loon and Romney an elitist air head. Her blow hard commentary and advise don't seem to have benefit either campaign. Her only success a immigration policy that stopped the deportation of Nicaraguans in the late 90s. Ironically here she supported the popular will of her heritage. Although most elites in the U.S.A. are pro illegal immigration. Ana Navarro is a shill for the elite. Another word for the elite is the "establishment". Why did she jump ship in 2016? The elite advocated Hillary against Donald Trump. She went out from the very beginning to attack Trump. CNN decided to exploit her heritage and party affiliation. A Republican latina who hates Trump and who is a blow hard would be perfect for CNN's Orwellian double speak political panels. She fit in perfectly at CNN, the mouth piece of the elite. Bad for Ana leftism was now in vogue with the elite but not with the rest of the country. Ana is a loud mouth for her side but in her world the non elite people don't exist just the elite. You see Ana Navarro lives in a political bubble where the elite can never be criticized and where a Reddit video meme incites violence. Proof that shes in a bubble would be the James O'keefe videos exposing what CNN contributors actually think about the president and the American people. These contributors know that most of the anti-Trump stories are garbage and run for ratings and to promote their elite leftist ideology. Ana Navarro doesn't seem to understand this, She goes on air talking about idiotic ideas that comedic videos incite violence, her loudmouth ways seem to suggest she truly believes the bullshit coming out of her mouth. In other words shes defending the bullshit that her fellow contributors at CNN know is bullshit. Ana Navarro sold out long ago to the elites and is a traitor to the latin people. Why is she a traitor? Just like the Black stereotype of the "uncle tom" Navarro sells herself out to those in power and defends them even though those in power know their wrong. The elite use her because they know shes idiotic and a loudmouth. She's a patsy and an embarrassment to the hispanic people.
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Good article