What Happens If Jeremy Corbyn Wins?

in steemit •  8 years ago 

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Today Great Britain votes for it's members of parliament and the majority gets a Prime Minister. Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn seem to be the two candidates who will be able to win today. Early in the polls May seem to be leading by a lot but in the past few weeks Corbyn has caught up and is lower than May by a couple of votes. The media has hyped up this surge in popularity. Theresa May and her Conservative party right now hold 330 seats in parliament and Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour party hold 229 seats. Great Britain's politics have been in turmoil for the past few years owing to it's membership in the European Union, immigration, the economy, and terrorism. These problems have changed the British people's loyalties to each party. For example the working class used to have a strong loyalty to the Labour party. The labour party is a center-left Social Democratic party they are one of the major parties of Great Britain. The Conservative party is a center-right party they are one of the major parties of Great Britain. The past two Prime Ministers have been Conservatives and the two before that were Labour. Is this the beginning of a switch to Labour. Who knows? What is known is that current political issues in the United Kingdom have busted up the traditional political parties. The media became aware with Brexit where the U.K. narrowly voted to leave the European Union that the working class was voting against the establishment's wishes. So what are the candidate's views on these problems in the U.K.? Theresa May was a remain conservative she had statements in support of remaining in the European in economic terms, yet she never made a huge effort to campaign in the leave campaign. This reportedly made the Conservative Prime Minister at the time David Cameron angry.After Brexit she became Prime Minister and quickly announced her intention to support leaving the European Union. The Conservative party during Brexit were neutral and split between remainers led by Prime Minister David Cameron and Leavers led by MP Boris Johnson. Most of the political support for leave in England was with UKIP and this half of the Conservative party. After becoming Prime Minister May has work to make leave a reality and has introduced legislation to that goal. Her actions on immigration have been put into question since she was the Home Secretary under Cameron and made some controversial decisions in line with a pro immigration stance, that being said she also made anti-immigration decisions in order to placate that sentiment from some in her party. As Prime Minister she has been more open to respecting anti-immigration viewpoints that were part of the Brexit push. As for the economy Theresa May seems to have the same neo-liberal mentality that dominates the Conservative party. Finally when it comes to terrorism Theresa May seems to be strong on terrorism especially since becoming prime minister although there are big criticisms when she was Home Secretary. As you may have noticed it would seem she has changed her viewpoints according to the times which is a theme I will bring up later. Now to Jeremy Corbyn who was a remain Labour member during Brexit. Corbyn has a history of being euro-skeptic since the 70s, his criticism of the European Union has been on leftist issues, he believes the EU would become to Neo-Liberal and discard workers rights. Around the time of Brexit Corbyn started supporting remain but was criticized for not campaigning hard enough for it. After Brexit Corbyn pushed Labour to support Theresa May's legislation supporting leaving the European Union. His views on Brexit right now are questionable. Labour was and remains the party of remain which it's odd considering it was the party of the working class. The working class overwhelmingly voted for leave. When it comes to immigration Corbyn is a big supporter of immigrant rights. His viewpoint on immigration policy seems to be un reported but the fact that Corbyn has spent his whole life involved in minority issues would suggest he supports the pro immigration viewpoints of the left internationally. In other words Corbyn would support open border liberals in the U.S. As for the economy Corbyn is opposed to neo-liberal policies. As for terrorism Corbyn's views have been minimal from his history we see that he has defended extremist causes in other countries and the U.K. This would put Corbyn in the same group as the pro-Islam liberals in the U.S. How will these politicians affect the UK once there prime ministers:
Theresa May
Well in the case of Theresa May who has been Prime Minister for almost a year now we can get a sense of what she will do from her time in office. Theresa May has fought for Brexit and has changed her policies according to popular sentiment. What this tells us is May is a compromiser and is not obsessed with any political ideology. The only ideology she seems to support is neo-liberalism. At first this may seem like an issue with the brexit people since it was neo-liberalism that runs the European Union, but neo-liberalism on it's own isn't what caused the problems of the European Union. What caused the problems was the union of economic neo-liberalism and the social left. The European Union supports free markets and cultural relativism. May's disinterest for the remain campaign shows her disinterest in this side of the union. The conservative party in the U.K. is the party of neo-liberalism and it's ideological split is divided on pro cultural relativists and anti-cultural relativists. I'm not saying that May is hardline anti-cultural relativist, what I am saying she's not a ideologue and more a political opportunist and in a age of strong political division and that's not a bad thing. May would be a compromiser who would implement leaving the European Union on good terms.

Jeremy Corbyn
If Jeremy Corbyn wins today things might change drastically. Whatever Corbyn's feelings on the European Union there based on his anti neo-liberal economic views. Neo-liberalism is one of the reasons the working class hates the European Union. Neo-liberalist policies promote jobs for non nationals over the domestic worker since profit can be made. The problem with Corbyn's viewpoint is that he is also a cultural relativist and his opposition to the European Union would go against his cultural relativism. Corbyn's view would be the workers need to be defended but also the non nationals need to be defended. The problem is that you can't defend the workers without opposing the non nationals. If for example Corbyn wanted to make equal pay and jobs for workers and non nationals as a compromise that would incentivize more illegal immigration since there guaranteed high wages and that would create huge competition against the nationals basically forcing the national worker out of work. The labour party is very pro EU and was the major party in the remain camp. While it's true Corbyn hasn't been a staunch supporter of the EU is party has. If Corbyn wins the pressure from the remain camp will grow, they will see it at as a victory over the Brexit vote. With Labour in the majority they will ask Corbyn for a second vote or to end negotiations all together. Although it's true Corbyn is part of the old Labour, he's something like a blast from the past, he knows the labour party has changed and he knows he can't run the party without a majority. Labour is not the party of the working class and stopped being their party when cultural relativism and their viewpoints dominated the party. Labour has a split like the Conservatives but unlike the Conservatives it's about neo-liberalism.

Click Full Article Here: https://www.americanalttimes.com/single-post/2017/06/08/What-Happens-If-Jeremy-Corbyn-Wins

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

England, and Western Europe fall, period. This time we won't be bailing you out.

USA and the rest of us debt nations are coming down too. Don't fall off your high horse.

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