The Great Steemit Debate - Why Tone Vays persuaded me much more than @blakemiles84

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

I understand that here criticism is not much appreciated.
Of course, whales (the Steemit oligarchy) want to be praised and worshipped, so maybe in exchange they will give you an upvote .
If you say something not pleasant to them, you are doomed to invisibility and everything you will do will be unnoticed forever.

But let's get back to the Great Debate: did you see the video?

I think Tone was much more persuasive and brought many useful criticism, while Blake was unable to give good replies to him.

I already read the whitepaper (more than once) and became less enthusiastic about this platform.
Then I saw the video of the Great Debate and became more and more skeptic.
Tone was brilliant while Blake was not persuading at all, at least to me.

I don't know if Steemit is a Ponzi scheme as Tone says (not still able to decide it, I have to investigate more) but for sure it can be a trap for many people.

Being a very active user last week I saw many great posts earning few bucks or zero, while other average posts earning thousands.

Do you want some example?
Check this post and first comments below to understand what's really happening.

So what happens here is seeing a huge inequality (and injustice), people begging for votes, greed and arrogance from some users, easy "money" for some and frustration for many others.

I will not talk about my posts, but I sincerely think that many of them were great content, rewarded with 0 or few cents.
And English is not my native language, so I struggled even more to write them...

Ponzi or not, Steemit is taking great users content for nothing or a few cents, and taking it FOREVER

In fact, currently I don't see a way to delete them, and also if they were deleted from the website, they would remain in the blockchain forever.

Ok, but Facebook does it, too, right?
Yes, but Facebook doesn't deceive people with the expectation of some hypothetical reward!

Of course, if you hope to earn hundreds "dollars" you will put all your efforts, creativity, sleepless nights to create an excellent post, unlike Fb posts

Then let's analyze the STEEM POWER issue (as also referenced by Tone):

they're giving us some kind of crypto money which will be possible to withdraw in 2 years!

Additionally, many people will try to become successful on the platform founding it with STEEM POWER, freezing their money for 2 years

Finally, let me go back to the Ponzi scheme: we always think that always means people have to put money into the scheme, but with Steemit the situation may be different.

What if this Ponzi uses our time, work and enthusiasm in exchange of some crypto money that may not come ?

Don't want to write too much, because I am quite sure this post will be unnoticed too.

Please leave your feedback and let me know your mind about it.

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Just like Tone you are trying to make a case without any supporting arguments, just throwing out accusations of Ponzi without any justification for it.

Like others have said it is easy for content to slip through the cracks, but I have noticed an increase in the quality of posts and less #circlejerk as of late. As rewards are distributed and whales get diluted this will only get better as the platform gets more and more democratic.

It's easy to think one's own posts are great. But perhaps they just weren't that good, or they just didn't resonate with any of the current readers of this site.

If you read my post (and I can see you didn't) I wrote:

I don't know if Steemit is a Ponzi scheme as Tone says (not still able to decide it, I have to investigate more)

Then I wrote

Ponzi or not, Steemit is taking great users content for nothing or a few cents, and taking it FOREVER

And this a FACT.

While when you say :

I have noticed an increase in the quality of posts and less #circlejerk as of late. As rewards are distributed and whales get diluted this will only get better as the platform gets more and more democratic.

I don't see what supporting arguments are you giving to it.

I want my stuff deleted from this site because the dev's flat out lied about their intentions here and I wasted lots of my time because I believed them and others that they duped.

I'm sure lots of people have noticed your post but they don't comment because they are scared the whales won't upvote their vapid crap.

If I used money, I'd buy so jilted steemers would have a place to post up without being buried under crap.

You're totally right about wanting your posts deleted.
I think they will implement this option, but they will remain in the blockchain, I think.
I understand you're quite angry and frustrated, but being too aggressive and disruptive is never the best way to face problems. Try constructive criticism too (after post deletion of course) ;)

You used to be able to delete posts but since steem started falling, they silently took the edit and delete options away for posts that have already paid out. I'm not worried about the blockchain because very few people have the brains or motivation to look at it and if things continue like they are, the blockchain will be history when the platform is abandoned.

I tried constructive criticism but was ignored because I have no power here. I suggested many ideas that would really improve the platform and users with much more influence than I have said they'd already presented those ideas and been ignored.

Sometimes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I have no idea why, other than curiosity and sheer boredom, but I just watched the debate and it was comical how badly Blake "lost". I hadn't considered the locking down of steem power as the mechanism that enables the ponzi but it makes perfect sense.

Another thing that let me down about this platform is the possibility of sock puppet accounts. It would be so easy for a whale to create sock puppet accounts, upvote them to build their value, then cash them out. It really disturbed me when I started going through whales accounts and seeing that none of them are holding any steem. Dan's account had 13,000 steem at one point but he'd just powered down and that was gone the next time I checked. I also noticed that the whales are frequently upvoting the same accounts. All of their accounts and the ones they upvote are in power down mode every time I check too.

This thing stinks and if they want me to shut up about it, they're going to have to delete my content from their scam site and at least apologize for not being men of their word.

Welcome in the blockchain. I guess the more the platform grows the more we will see this kind of reaction.

scared whales won't upvote their crap

? There is no cost of voting. Why would they be scared?

Also, if you can source where the devs lied I would want to know that too. Make a post about that and whales will definitely upvote because the devs don't "own" this platform

If someone pisses the whales off by exposing their little scam, it's unlikely that the whales will vote for their future posts and most people here are money dependent civi pigs.

If you listened to any of the interviews or slack discussions there was all kinds of talk about the potential for steemit to expose truly world changing content and empower innovators. The exact opposite is happening.

I saw your debate by the way. You must have had some good herb or be really uninformed! That guy walked all over you and confirmed every suspicion that I had about this platform.

As far as owning things go, when someone controls 98% of a currency, I'd say they own it.

I also think that saying that developers lied is too much (or requires some proof at least).

I can see why people could get frustrated with the payout distribution. It is very easy for posts to slip through the cracks, but I do think it is trending for the better. Every day I see more and posts with reasonable payouts before I even get a chance to read them. It seems that the successful authors of yesterday are becoming the patrons of the authors of today. In my opinion this is great to see and suggests we are moving towards a more healthy curation effort. The tough question is how to keep people satisfied while this evolution occurs.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your feedback.
I hope it's trending for the better, too.
People will never be fully satisfied, because of the human nature itself, but I wanted to bring useful criticism here and check if some feedback was possible.

So if I'm reading correctly, Tones arguments were more convincing because the rewards aren't fair and... Steem power can't be withdrawn in one big chunk immediately?

When was the last time you were paid anything for writing on Facebook?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Hi Blake,
thank you for giving your feedback here and sorry for the late reply (I was busy in "real world" as a developer and couldn't answer you before). I am italian so we have different timezone from US.

As I wrote to other users already I don't want to do disruptive criticism or attack you personally (I have no reason to do it). I am still actively contributing to the platform (even if complaining a little as you can see).

I would like to be able to give you a better feedback about the entire video with more accurate reference to the single topics and maybe the exact portion of the clip where they were discussed.

This may probably take an entire new post and some effort, but I would do it without any problem.
My interest is trying to improve the platform and not starting a flame with you or with other users!

Thanks for now, I'll give you updates on this thread ASAP!

About Facebook: yes, they don't pay but you don't expect any payment so the posts can be low quality, additionally they have some millions users so probably they can give you some major exposure which may lead to a visit to your website and potential earning / new customers. :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Hi again,
as promised I am working to a new post dealing with all the topics covered in the Debate (I noticed many of them were not cleared because of insufficient answering time).

I talked with Tone, he gave me some further references to prepare the post and said he was available to further live feedback anytime.

Meanwhile I wrote a post where I admit that the Steemit community was able to handle my heavy criticism and still remained friendly and open to feedback (as you did too).


EDIT : I can not edit the post so I will put my comments here:

I was quite direct and critic with this post, but I have to admit that all users (whales and dolphins included) showed me they are not as bad as I thought.

They accepted my criticism and doubts and tried to listen to my objections.

So I can say now that Steemit is not so elitist as I thought, and maybe being a little rude was useful to wake up some people and start a constructive discussion about the future of the Community.

Thanks also to @blakemiles84 who behave like a gentleman and came here to personally give his own feedback without loosing his patience and kindness :)

It requires a real hard work though... Rather than yet another useless piece of shits like we do post on social media sites like Facebook Twitter, we must need a real creativity profile yeah. Right.