Dollar Vigilante Jeff Berwick Standing Next to a Trash Can

in steemit •  8 years ago 

This post is literally just a picture of Jeff Berwick standing next to a Photoshop trash can.

How high will it go?

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I fail to see the point of this photoshop master piece.

Perhaps this is satire referring to the HUGE numbers Jeff was pulling in on just about everything he posted. I get it.

Not even Jeff's posts. People are posting things like "I traveled with Jeff once" and "Jeff scammed me! Make him pay" and going to the top.

If you're talking about @heiditravels I don't think her post did well because she said she met @dollarvigilante. She's a very popular blogger for one and if you actually read her post, it's a very well written piece on how she views the government from the perspective of somebody who travels regularly.

Not that high by the look of it better luck next time