How Steemit brought me back to London

in steemit •  7 years ago 


The Back Story

Those those who follow me here know that I absolutely adore London. I lived there for a while and then was forced to leave... I left but at the same time I left my heart there... and I was determined to come back to it.

While I was away and was trying to figure out what to do with the future... when I was lost and down... when I had no clue about what to do next I started posting here on Steemit.

The Fall

The magic fall started when I interviewed @andrarchy as soon as I joined the Steemit community (the interview and notes are here). The  fall of Alice into the rabbit hole that is...

I ended up in a new dimension... completely new mindset... completely different logic ... among many amazing people on the platform who are determined to keep this as a safe place where only high quality content gets appreciated.

Accidental Crypto Holder

As a result I ended up getting upvotes... and Steem... and Steem Dollars... My wallet cumulated number and I had no clue what to do... 

I was so clueless that the very first transaction I initiated was a complete disaster. I sent all my Steem dollars to Bittrex and left the memo space empty. 


The amount vanished... it left my wallet and never got anywhere...

I freaked out once I realized what just happened. Thankfully Bittrex sent it back to my wallet... but before it did I thought that my shortly lived crypto holder history was over.

The Fall Continued...

I kept falling down the rabbit hole and educating myself. I read books, watched videos, interviewed people in the space, spoke to the community... and with  each coming day it became clearer. 

I dug deeper and ended up knowing what is an ICO, a smart contract and a blockchain. 

I was a newbie who did not feel like a newbie anymore.

The Search

I was still on a mission of going back to my heart... and it seems like I had already overcome half of the challenge. Now all I needed was a job... 

Ideally a job that did not feel like a job... something that was exciting, with purpose, dynamic, creative, impressive... in short something that is not easy to find. 

I read vacancy announcement after a vacancy announcement and felt "duh!". Going back to corporate after leaving it years back did not feel good at all...

So I started looking at startups...

Guess what?

Now I am in London and I am part of a very exciting fintech startup (you can read our story here) ... and guess what? 

Now, joining up the dots backwards I realized that few months back if I had not become part of Steemit... if I had not fallen down the rabbit hole... probably I would not be here getting back my heart!

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Working at a crypto startup - dreams do come true!


Everything happens for a reason Ania ;)

it seems so )

That is a very cool story. Great to have you here and you are doing awesome job at the BABB team!

thanks Georgi ) it was nice to meet you throgh BABB )