Do you feel like you have weight to lose? Do you think that you are obliged to starve yourself to lose those extra kilos? you've been trying diet after diet without noticing any real change?
You gain more kilos a couple of days after every diet (that's usually called the yoyo effect). In this article I'm going to show you my top 10 advice on how you can lose weight effectively, in a healthy way without starvation and of course without having those kilos back as soon as you finish your diet you are not even going to feel like it's a diet.
In order to lose weight effectively, without having to think about it as a strict diet nor starvation, and without the yoyo effect, you only have to adopt new habits which are very simple; you're no longer be on a diet, you'll have a brand new lifestyle:
Think About Your Why
First of all, why do you want to lose weight? Do you want to do it to fit in that beautiful dress? Do you want a better version of yourself? Take a moment and think about it and, most importantly do it for yourself and not because you are getting bullied or because someone thinks you have to do it.Drink More Water
Very simple, drink water when you wake up, before/after lunch, before/after dinner, before bed, drink water right now while you're reading this article, keep a bottle of water with you everywhere so you can remember to drink.Eat More Fibers
Start adding lettuce, cucumber, and other food that contain fibers the next time you'll have lunch.Replace White Flour With Wholemeal One
Instead of your ordinary white bread or white pasta., Try the wholemeal one and notice the difference; it's more healthy and more satiating.Stop Fried Foods
Start using your oven instead of your frying pan; there are plenty of delicious recipes out there; you're not even going to notice the difference, and you have my words it's better tasting.Stop Eating Sugar
Do you have a sweet tooth? No problem, just replace it with date sugar or honey.Move More
You don't have to do high-intensity training or run miles, adopt new habits like using the stairs instead of the elevator or riding your bike instead of using your car, and you can start by doing easy workouts at home.Have A Cheat Meal Occasionally
The whole point is about adopting a lifestyle, no need to be frustration, you can eat your favorite hypercaloric meal weekly to keep you motivated.Don't Use A Weighing Machine
Use a measuring tape instead; sometimes the weighing machine can be tricky, and doesn't reflect your real progress, take your measurement but not too often; once a week or a month is enough.It's Okay To Lose Track
You are a human being, so relaxed, you can restart at any time; just keep your motivation and never lose hope.
Those were my top 10 pieces of advice if you want to start losing weight effectively and in a healthy way; I hope you'll try them and adopt them