Nice Post , Good Post , Follow me - STOP SPAM

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)



Hello Everyone
I've been in steemit for 4 months and I've learned a lot in this steemit, a lot of experience I've got to be steady in steemit, I've been blocked by others, I've been riled by others, and I've also been become a nuisance to others.

BUT. it's all past when I first started steemit. I am like a fool and do not know anything in steemit, but in 1 month I learned all that quickly.

And Then

to be steemian, we must be smart and smart in seeking the attention of great people !!!

Yea. it comes to my mind, how can I coexist with great people and can chat with them, of course we have to be a good and honest person and also professional in our activity in steemit.


Make it creative work, consistent work in writing a good post, not being a thief of someone else's work, not plagiarism. not spamming to others.

for comment

Nice post, Good Post, Upvoted you, Upvote me , Please Follow me, Followed You

IT SPAM, Annoying others

Be someone who can be a friend to others by commenting intelligently and understanding what other people write in their post, be someone clever in making a good post.


Keep on being consistent, create your great work and also be a good friend in steemit.



Hello semuanya
Saya sudah berada di steemit selama 4 bulan dan sudah banyak yang saya pelajari dalam steemit ini , banyak pengalaman yang sudah saya dapatkan untuk dapat stabil di steemit, saya pernah di block oleh orang lain , saya pernah di marahi oleh orang lain, dan saya juga pernah menjadi pengganggu orang lain.

BUT . itu semua adalah masa lalu saat saya pertama kali memulai steemit. saya seperti orang yang bodoh dan tidak tahu apapun di steemit, tapi dalam 1 bulan saya belajar semua itu dengan cepat.

Dan Kemudian

untuk menjadi steemian , kita harus cerdah dan pintar dalam mencari perhatian orang hebat !!!

Yea. itu muncul didalam pikiran saya , bagaimana saya bisa berdampingan dengan orang hebat dan bisa mengobrol dengan mereka, tentu saja kita harus menjadi orang yang baik dan jujur dan juga professional dalam aktifitas kita di steemit.


Membuat karya-karya yang kreatif , konsisten dalam menulis sebuah post yang baik , tidak menjadi pencuri karya orang lain, tidak melakukan plagiarism. tidak melakukan spam pada orang lain.

KATAKAN TIDAK untuk komentar

Nice post , Good Post , Upvote you , Please Follow me

ITU SPAM , Mengganggu orang lain

Jadilah seorang yang dapat menjadi teman bagi orang lain dengan berkomentar dengan cerdas dan paham apa yang di tulis oleh orang lain pada post mereka, jadilah seseorang yang pintar dalam membuat sebuah post yang bagus.


Tetaplah berkreasi dengan konsisten , ciptakan karyamu yang hebat dan juga menjadi teman yang baik di steemit.

Author : @arie.steem
Adsactly & Utopian-io
SevenFingers Community

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Good post bro followed upvoted




flag!!! LOL
yah semoga saja di baca dan diressapi bang sama yang lain.

what this SPAM bro , hhhaaa @kalvas

lmao :D

They never respond, but I still troll them.

they are like a ghosts , hhaa

Wah, mantap x tulisan ini, menngingatkan saya akan saya dulu, persis kayak tulisan ini, terimakasih sdh mengingatkan @arie.steem

mana ada mantap bg, saya masih kalah kalau urusan menulis , hhee

yang anehnya, masih ada pula yang nyePAM pada postingan yang menjelaskan apa itu SPAM wkwkwkwk :D

iya itu kawan yang spam ... hhhaa

bahaha, kalau yang repnya kaya gitu, jarang spam bang, kalau ga teman yah ga berani becandain.

Iya, aku mau komentar kesitu tadi, pas kulihat reponya ah ini tak mungkin :D makanya ku kasih komentar asing wkwkwk

Banyaknya nya spam yang dilakukan oleh seseorang jelas menunjukkan tingkat malas . Malas membaca, malas berfikir malas berkreasi malas bin malas.

kayaknya ini juga termasuk SPAM ,

I agree with you, it is very important to have original content and to post quality comments. I'm glad I discovered your blog. I wish you success in 2018!

thank you @allesia

i do not know the correct sentence to use for you not to call me spam, this post is intriguing. i love it and thanks for sharing

comment related what is their talking in their post ...
not just say good post

I agree with you about that

Yes, that's what I instinctly felt was the right way to comment from the first day I started in Steemit less than a month ago. I saw those kind of spammy comments all around since I joined and I never felt that those who write them actually read the posts they were spamming, but were only looking for upvotes for their comments. When I did visit some of the blogs of those spammers, I didn't see any valuable content. People sometimes forget that they are building their reputations, whether in a positive or negative way, with each comment, post and reply they make. Thanks for reinforcing my understanding of this commenting issue.

siap bang. saya pribadi juga masih dalam tahap belajar. Semoga kedepannya saya juga punya postingan - postingan menarik seperti abang. Thankyou for sharing bang .

sama2 belajar ... yang penting usaha

siaap bang.usaha terus ini hehe

This post is one of the most helpful I have seen when it comes to good advice for a new Steemian. I know people who flag spam in their post's comment section like there's no tomorrow - and flags to a new member are deadly. If you help people avoid spam comments - you are doing them a great service. Well done.

I am glad if my little writing is very useful for others, I am not a writer, but I explain briefly and firmly.
thank for appreciate my post on votu brother

Great post. I upvote. You upvote me and then we party like it's 1999. :D I echo @steemitgraven29's comment. Your post is helpful to newbie minnows, and hopefully it will spare some of them the agony of steemit defeat.
x x

well said arie ! :)

Nice post. Come to mine bro. lolx. spamming needs to stop. Building a relationship through commenting is one of the ways to relate with others on steemit and anywhere else.


Agree with this sentence: "Keep on being consistent, create your great work and also be a good friend in steemit."
Keep going my friend!
