URGENT: Pitcairn sets new record, surpassing $ 4,700

in steemit •  7 years ago 

4700$ btc.PNG

broke the currency of the Betquin, the previous record prices, and rose in the beginning of trading Wednesday over 4700 USD.

Bitquin is the most popular default currency among hundreds of similar currencies and has the largest market value around the world.

At 05:30 the default currency price rose to $ 4702, up from the opening price of $ 4648.

Betcuen is a digitized digital currency that does not have a serial number and is not controlled by governments and central banks, like traditional currencies, but only through the Internet, without physical presence.

The etherium coin
Etherium is the first competitor of Pitcone, a new coin that was introduced by a Canadian boy named Potra in early 2014 at the North American Petcin Conference.

Atrium was $ 379.53 at 6:35 am, up 2% from today's opening price of $ 371.86.

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i love btc goo