
in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Assalalmualaikum wr.wb.
Introduce my name Asyila or better known in the media steemit asyilabuloh, I am 21 years old, with activities as a student at one college in the city of lhokseumawe, my daily life is still struggling with learning activities and campus activities.

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I have long heard about steemit media from friends who have joined first, but I also have long registered my account in order to join with steemian friends here. Today Alhamdulillah today I am given the pleasure to share and share stories in steemit, and I also promise to promote steemit, eSteem app and eSteem surfer which is an application made by @ good-karma. good friends steemian all let's both support and help each other to advance stemit and @ eSteem and @ eSteem surfer to the community, the last hope let's together we provide learning to the community through writing and content-useful content of course with good quality content also.

Pic:creative through @dunsky

Thank you to all my friends who have supported me in steemit membership.

Final word from me. Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings...

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Welcome to steemit

Hello! I wish you a good time on Steem.

Hi @asyilabuloh, welcome to Steemit!!!

Thanks, @anaviteko

Selamat bergabubg ya, kami merasa sengan dengan kehadiran kamu di sini. semoga ada inspirasi inspirasi baru yang akan lahir dengan adanya kamu disini

Holaaaa, es bueno descubrir a nuevos usuarios día a día en nuestra red social.

Thank you for visiting, you from where the boss, I need guidance from you for the future progress.

Welcome and good luck

Thanks Miss

Selamat bergabung @asyilabuloh, kami postingan-postingan bermutu dari kalian

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment