Application Entry - Why I Would Make a Good Steem Country Representative for Indonesia

in steemit •  3 years ago 

When I attended the South East Asia Blockchain Summit in Jakarta, last 2018.

Since joining Steemit in May 2017, I immediately promoted Steemit to my closest friends in the first week. At that time, not many people were interested because there was not much information about Steemit. But after I explained it along with an example, they began to believe.

In the early months of 2017, I was active on Steemit, I had never even heard of Steem promos. I do that without coordinating with anyone because I haven't been connected to any community. So, I attract more people to create accounts on Steemit on their own initiative without ever knowing about Steem promos and so on.

Several prominent media journalists in Indonesia, such as @zainalbakri from Metro TV, @masriadi from Kompas Online, or @jaff who works at Serambi Indonesia (the largest newspaper in Aceh), are interested in creating accounts.

Hear Bobby Lee's explanation about the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

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Became a speaker at the National Steemit Meetup in Bandung, West Java, in 2018.

The journalist community was the first group I invited to join. Then followed by my student group at Universitas Malikussaleh. At that state university, I became a lecturer and taught courses on journalism and communication.

I initiated and did “Steemit Goes to Campus” myself and we created a student account together. I asked for college assignments to be posted on Steemit because at that time there was a machine to detect plagiarism, a practice we condemned.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, I often traveled to various cities in Indonesia for various activities, for example attending meetings, seminars, literary events, journalism, and so on. While in the taxi, I discussed Steemit with the taxi driver. I know many online taxi drivers are college students who have heard of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are the entry points to Steemit.

I just connected with the Indonesian Steemit Community after becoming the first winner in the challenge to write about Aceh. At that time, I wrote about Pig Hunter Community in Aceh. I won the first winner.

I also won the next few challenges until I became a judge. When I became part of the Community, I proposed the theme of the challenge and attracted several other writers to become the jury, including the author of a fairly popular article: @teukukemalfasya.

Steem promo in Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia.

Meetup and Steem promos in Takengon, Aceh Tengah.

Besides being active in the Steemit Indonesia community, I am also active in other sub-communities, for example, the writers, photographers, journalists, and students community. We often promote Steemit in various cities in Indonesia. Of course, this activity requires energy and costs that I bear myself. When the price of Steem and SBD is high, I take it from there to finance the trip, although in some cases our activities are not specifically promoting Steemit, but I and some others optimize the time and opportunity to introduce Steemit.

Besides being active in the Indonesian Steemit Community, I later joined the @sndbox community and worked on several programs with them. I also attended the South East Asia Blockchain Summit in Jakarta and once received an invitation from Bank Indonesia (the central bank) to attend a round table discussion on blockchain and cryptocurrency in Semarang (Central Java). And only Steemian myself received an invitation.

I participated in promoting Steem at the round table discussion held by Bank Indonesia in Semarang, Jawa Tengah.

That's my history at Steem which is not short (sorry if it's too long).

After reading the opportunity to become The Country Reps, I became interested in becoming The Country Reps Indonesia. I dare to propose myself as The Country Reps in Indonesia with the following considerations:

  1. I am a novelist and journalist with extensive networks in various cities in Indonesia. I am an activist in the Alliance of Independent Journalists, a journalist organization in Indonesia that is part of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).
  2. I can be a good Country Reps because I have implemented the Steem promo program, greeted new Steemians, and held competitions long before I wanted to become The Country Reps. If I have become The Country Reps Indonesia, I just have to continue what I have been doing so far with more creative and measured variations.
  3. I often provide writing and journalism training to various groups. I can use that opportunity to introduce Steem.
  4. As a lecturer, writer, and journalist, I always have the community to attract more Steemians and I have the communication skills for such work.

Thus I submit this request. Hopefully, the Steemit Team can consider it. Thanks so much for your attention and support.

Indonesia, April 21, 2021.
Warm regard:

Meetup and Steem promos in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Meetup and Steem promos in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

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Meetup and Steem promos in Idi, Aceh Timur.

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wah.... mantul bg ayi

i support mr. @ayijufridar to become CR

Thank you so much @arie.steem yang cerdas dan kreatif.

saya sangat berharap bg ayi bisa jadi CR atau lebih. karena memang bg ayi sudah seharusnya mendapat peran2 penting di paltform steemit ini.

Bang Ayi ajukan permohonan juga atas dorongan beberapa kawans di Steemit, Arie. Bahkan mereka yang kirim link. Tapi siapa pun yang dipilih, tetap wajib kita dukung.

iya itu pasti bg ayi... siapapun orang indonesia yang terpilih tetap akan kita dukung

I support you to become CR Indonesia because you have contributed to building the community and you have the capacity. Good luck.

Thank you @muammar607. Your support means a lot to the community. Many have applied for this. Let us support whoever is elected as CR Indonesia.

kerennn bang ayi

Terima kasih @irwankomunikasi. Semoga Irwan bisa aktif lagi di Steemit. Mari kita dukung siapa pun yang dipilih menjadi CR Indonesia.

siap bang, mohon arahanny lagi. sudah lama fakum sekrang baru buka lagi.

Buat postingan baru kembali. Banyak yang berubah di Steemit sekarang, baik tampilan maupun protokolnya.

oke baik pak

Fantastic, goodluck! ✨

Thanks so much @fwinanda.

We are Steemian Bireuen always support you tobe come CR Indonesia. Because you have helped a lot with more information about Steemit for the development the Steemit community.

Thank you so much for the support of the Steemian comrades in Bireuen. History has proven that the first investors in Steemit came from Bireuen and the cohesiveness of Steemian Bireuen is very important to run community programs. Saleum @albertjester.

Semoga terpilih bang...

Amiiin. Tapi bagi saya, siapa pun nanti yang jadi CR Indonesia tetap wajib kita dukung.

Iya bang... Harus kita dukung.

Good luck bg Ayi. Of you need videos from the past, I will send you via WhatsApp

I think I need it @akbarrafs. I know you have a lot of documents about our community activities in the past and it is very important to evaluate as well as become a record of the community's journey.

Personally, @ayijufridar is a great friend and brother for me. I knew him as a popular short writer story since I was 12 years old in our city, Bireuen. He is a good and professional writer in Indonesia so far with some of his books published already. Definitely I am as a leader of Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC) with hundreds of members support him to be a Country Representative on Steem Blockchain.

Bang @ayijufridar, you are a good man and you know how to manage a big writer community so far and I am sure you can be the next Country Representative on Steemit, a platform of Steem Blockchain.

Be happy as always, we stand by you.

The support from the Bireuen Steemit Community has been a supplement for me. BSC has proven to be an active and creative sub-community. In BSC there are many Steemit investors and that is one of the strengths to strengthen the platform as a whole. Thank you for your support in Bireuen @bahagia-arbi.

Good luck, Bang Ayi Jufridar I am so proud of you, and I second this application. You are the right man to be the Steem Country Reps for 🇮🇩. Good luck, Bang. I stand by you!

Thank you very much, Kak @alaikaabdullah. I make this application also thanks to the encouragement of a number of senior Steemians. But I am still committed to supporting whoever is elected. Saleum keu keponakan cantikku yang selalu bersinar: Intan Faradilla....


Kami dari tim meetup hunter mendukung @ayijufridar menjadi CR indonesia. sosok steemian @ayijufridar yang selalu hadir di setiap pertemuan steemian di sejumlah tempat di Indonesia.

Kala itu, saya terima saat kami menghubungi beliau untuk menjada pametri pada pertemuan steemia yang di selenggarakan oleh tim Meetup Hunter di lhokseumawe, Beliau langsung menerima tawaran kami. Jika @ayijufridar terpilih, kami yakin, beliau mampu untuk melaksanakan tugasnya secara baik.


Foto dibawah ini merupakan saat kami menghadiri meetup di chapter Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia. dan lagi-lagi bang ayi hadir pada waktu itu. Padahal kami tahu, beliau adalah orang yang sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan utamanya. kala itu dia menjabat sebagai salah satu pejabat di Komisi Pelihan Umum. Namun, Beliau menyempatkan dirinya untuk hadir bersama kami.


Goodluck Brother



Luar biasa sekali Steemit Hunter yang membangun sub komunitas dengan tim kreatif yang kecil, tetapi mampu membuat even besar dengan mengumpulkan Steemians dari berbagai daerah. Selain di Cunda, Lhokseumawe, saya ingat Steem Hunter juga pernah membuat acara di Pantai Ujong Blang dan saya ikut hadir juga waktu itu. Salam sukses selau.

I remember, @sndbox was a great project.
I support @ayijufridar to become CR Indonesia, hopefully Steemit Team will consider it, good luck

Thank you Bunda @rayfa. Unfortunately, the @sndbox project didn't continue until now. Your support means a lot to the community. Many have Steemians applied for this. Let us support whoever is elected as CR Indonesia.


Mantap, promosteem bg ayi memang sudah mendarah daging. Sukses terusss 💪💪💪

Sambil menyelam memungut mutiara. Makin banyak Steemians, platform ini makin terkenal dan harga Steem pun makin terjaga. Terima kasih @radjasalman.

Kirain sambil nyelam minum susu, batal puasanya kalo siang-siang, hehe

Bang Ayi yang pertama memperkenal Steemit kepada para penulis nasional. Semoga sukses selalu Bang.

Terima kasih @ratnaayub. Sayang sekali banyak penulis senior kini mulai berhenti membuat postingan. Ayooo kembali semangat seperti dulu.

Terimakasih telah mengajukan diri menjadi salah satu CR untuk mewakili kami dari Indonesia bang. Tidak diragukan lagi kontribusi bung @ayijufridar dalam mempromosikan steemit kepada pengguna dari tahun 2018 dulu.

Semoga anda terpilih menjadi perwakilan Indonesia

Dan terimakasih sekali lag atas bantuan anda mendukung program @steem.amal,dukungan anda untk steem.amal sangat dirasakan dan membantu steem.amal menjadi kegiatan yang langsung dirasakan oleh masyarakat


Terima kasih dukungannya Om Roy @el-nailul. Bagi saya, siapa pun yang ditunjuk wajib kita dukung sejauh menggulirkan program positif bagi anggota komunitas.

Steem Amal merupakan tindakan nyata yang tidak hanya mendapatkan reward di dunia, tetapi juga akhirat sejauh kita berbuat dengan ikhlas. Saya harus mengucapkan terima karena diajak Om Roy bergabung ke @steem.amal.

Nah, kalau bang @ayijufridar ini jadi representatif country mewakili Indonesia saya setuju sekali. Selain pengalaman yang mempuni di steemit, sosok bang Ayi (kerap beliau disapa) sangat familiar di kalangan steemian Indonesia.

Terima kasih dukungannya @uncleboy. Siapa pun yang dipilih nanti, wajib kita dukung semua program dan kegiatan positif bagi seluruh Steemians Indonesia.

saya bersama @ayijufridar

Semoga sukses. Siapapun yang terpilih adalah org terbaik utk perkembangan steem di Indonesia. Kita akan terus saling mendukung, bahu membahu memperkenalkan dan memajukan steem.

Sepakat Bang Boy @heriadi. Seperti kita bahas malam itu, hehehehe....

Cocok banget ini, tak ada khilafiyah lagi di kalangan steemityah Aceh khususnya, semoga berhasil dan Tim Steemit bisa mengakomodir suara hari steemians...

Wahhh...ternyata bang ayi ..keren bang, that very good