in steemit •  8 years ago 


I have noticed quite a few people self upvoting on their own comment responses, but they only do it after upvoting the person that made the comment they are responding to with an equal amount. I feel like that is a reasonable balance with the last hard fork I will call the self voting fork. I think self voting on your own comments is reasonable as long as you are also voting for the person that made the comment you are responding to. Spam comments like nice post or great post, etc are just spam and in my book should be ignored. Its important to help new users but at the same time we need to protect our own time spent on the platform. I think a half and half upvote is a great solution to the questions many people ask about self upvoting. This also encourages interaction on your post and is a win/win for you and other community members.

Let me know what you think about the Half and Half upvote option in the comments below
Do you like the idea or oppose it?

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I've seen this discussion a few times since HF19, the consensus that I have heard has been 25% self 75% site. Obviously no hard and fast rules here, but that seems to be what some of the others are doing. Cheers

Sounds reasonable, but I am going to try the 50/50 today and see how it works out

I think what needs to be considered is relevance. If someone is genuinely interested in your post and asks questions to start discussions then why not? Great article to get the discussion started!

Thanks, I think it needs to be figured out so the community is on board

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Basically when you upvote your own comment, you also automatically upvote the comment you are replying to?

Yes just like I did here with your comment and my response as an example

Hmm i like it, especially because i even got ~51,06%

Happens alot, that a user just upvotes his comment, thats true

I can honestly say I've stopped upvoting my own comments entirely. I'm no saint though, my wife also has an account here so she tends to get my spare voting power after I've hit up my usual suspects.
I still find it difficult to justify dropping votes on random people though unless they really impress me, at least until I hit that magic SP figure and get my slider bar (I know there's tools out there but "ain't nobody got time for that" :)

I think as long as you contribute something to new users, that is the most important thing.

Yep, I throw upvotes around to anyone in the minnow support group chat who engage with people. I'll admit, I don't have time to search for content but I do chat and network and if something they have posted stands out it gets a love tap from me :)
I responded to HF19 by cutting back my support for the bigger fish and focussing on the people around the same level as me, those who have the time to engage with me directly.

Well... I am very new here so I'll just say that it is going to take a shift in personal culture for me to vote for my own comments (or posts).

I don't see any reason not to... other than my diminishing voting power (which I 'really' need to get a handle on!)... :cP

Still it feels like a cheesy act. Can anybody give me a pointer as to why self-voting might be good for the community?

Self voting can give your comments more visibility if you are interacting on other posts.

Yeah I'm notice that too.. but now I'm self up voting as to remark it that I already read. 😊

Hopefully you are also upvoting other user comments.

Yerpp.. definitely.. thank for your support to minnows

Thank you for the upvotes. @azfix
i just put u on bot steem voter . so that it can upvote everytime you post..

I think it's quite fair to those who invest real money in this platform. It is a small reward for believing on a platform that may or may not succeed.

I see it as a win win

I agree. Investors get a chance to make their money back and minnows like me get upvotes when we make great content.

I'm using comment self vote only when i believe that the comment is really contributing to the post or it developed a nice conversation with replies and should not be "forgotten". With giving one extra vote it can be sorted higher on trending sort order.

Sounds reasonable, no one wants to promote spam comments

as you already said, its a win win situation. that is the reason I like this idea. nothing wrong about it in my opinion

Really people can do whatever they want, but I think its important to make sure we are helping new users.

as long as the self voters help the new users as well with voting both comments, it's completely ok. if some1 doesnt want to upvote his own comment, thats ok as well. but these guys should stop complaining about the self voters though.

Many times rules will be imposed by flagging bots if a user with enough Steem power deems it necessary.

hmm I always like to upvote comments given on my posts as a 'thank you for contributing' never thought about voting on my actual comments back... interesting point.

I see it going on quite often and I think it seems like a reasonable choice.

i will try but 50 50 split

Just keep interacting with the community since you are new

Hi @azfix great idea!

This new bot. Can upvote comment in random.

Pro-tip: if you up-vote your own comment, I won't vote for you


Maybe we can automate everything in Steemit then we will have no need for humans,lol

Hehe you have a point, lol :)