RE: My Background and Vision for Steem

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My Background and Vision for Steem

in steemit •  5 years ago 

You're reduced to mindless ridicule and spamming, while like a good hypocrite you engage in censorship even though you yourself claim to be a free speech absolutist, and it's a logically sound conclusion as by using your own interpretation of censorship ( certainly, not mine, which posits that rating things as such, is simply rating things as such, especially considering that you cannot suppress my freedom of expression on this media by doing so) this is jetbejet (through - and-through) censorship. The beauty of all this, you expose that despite the numerous remarks and snide comments regarding being for logic you care for no such things, to you ridicule nil thought is fair, as was previously numerous attempts at tone policing amomg other such fallacious avenues to attempt at convincing people that "censorship is rating things as not worthy of rewards", and here you are trying to give credence to the inane nonsense non sequitur that there are guardians that need guardianship when the whole discussion was about the necessity of the "rated as hidden" feature, a discussion I didn't abide from for even the briefest of moments.

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Dude, the flag was a joke... I thought that was obvious. Wow, I must have really pissed you off in that old conversation for you to rant so much at me.

And no, I did not read that wall of text, I glanced a bit, but not enough to know everything you said.

Not at all, I enjoy ridiculing you for your hypocrisy, nonsense and blatant lies, and could not care less what you think, as I said before, I'm not here to make you my friends /convince you of anything, you are just a medium for my repertoire exposing idiocy and bullshit.