RE: Steemit Is Shit But Still The Best Social Media Platform Outhere

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Steemit Is Shit But Still The Best Social Media Platform Outhere

in steemit •  7 years ago 

And what the fuck does that solve you idiot? besides creating numerous problems, such as TagSitting you faggot without a iota of consideration to expound, Go fucking Vote yourself some more, or did you forget to do that in your anger at the internet telling you kindly "think again"?

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I'm not here to write a fucking white paper. You want to meet up so I can kick your fucking ass? I say we settle this already.

O yeah, it sounds like you gave it a lot of consideration. Did you get mad again because I pointed out effortlessly the problem of faggots tag sitting? Keep trying, maybe after you threaten me on the internet you'll realize what a complete total douchefag you are.

Yeah you're a real victim soyboy.

Better than being a Real Idiot.

Anywhere anytime brah. Just let me know when you want to do this pussy. You got a knife in your mouth. Bet you are too much of a bitch to use it.

A bitch is someone that moans over someone pointing out the obvious flaw in their proposal and makes threats when confronted with more idiocy in their proposal. Do you thnk that kicking my ass will make you any less of a Real Bitch Ass Pussy Idiot? Real men don't make threats on the internet, or get frustrated on the internet, only bitch ass pussy faggots like you do.

Why don't you vote yourself and then threaten me again because you're so clever, clearly.

Oh for Christ sake, I'm not threatening you, I'm giving you the option to settle this like men. If you don't want to then just say you don't want to. I'm not going to engage you unless you agree that you want to settle this like men.

O yeah, you aren't threatening me:

You want to meet up so I can kick your fucking ass?

You're only not trying to intimidate me with your pathetic ass "ass kicking".

Because kicking my ass will prove what an incredible and thoughtful proposal you had. Go vote yourself some more and get mad at the internet, it's all the same logic anyway.