Potret pelayanan DARAH pasca MOU

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Blood service is regulated through Government Regulation No. 7 of 2011 on.blood transfusion services is a healthcare effort that includes the planning, handling and conservation of blood donors, the provision of blood, the distribution of blood, and the patient's medical treatment for the purpose of healing illness and restoring health. in chapter 2 it is mentioned that the arrangement of blood services aims: a). meet the availability of safe blood
for the needs of health services; b) maintaining and improving the quality of blood services; c). facilitate access to blood for healing illness and health restoration; and D). facilitate access to information about the availability of bloodthe facts on the ground, the provision of blood by the new PMI reached 0.7% of the total population (1.7 million mounds, in 2008) and the blood supply is sufficient for 2 days. WHO target of 2% of the population or 4 million bags per year and blood supply suffices 4 daysequipment, both quantity and quality have not met the standards. In terms of energy, the amount or competence is less. The full-time doctor baruter filled 20 percent.

PPI: pelayanan pencegahan infeksi/ infection prevention service


Potret negatif salah satu pelayanan



Infections most often occur due to the hands are not clean, not through the soles of the feet/
Infeksi paling sering terjadi akibat tangan tidak bersih, bukan melalui telapak kaki.

Hand washing habits using soap is one of the best ways to apply PPI/Kebiasaan cuci tangan menggunakan sabun salah satu cara paling baik penerapan PPI.


In general the application of MP / management of puskesmas has not run as it should be. And follow the MP lanjud not exist.

Come on ... Correction and self-introspection of each puskesmas so that the puskesmas service is better.

Pada umumnya penerapan MP/ manajemen puskesmas belum berjalan sebagai mana mestinya. Dan tindak lanjud MP belum ada.


Ayo... Koreksi dan introspeksi diri masing-masing puskesmas sehingga pelayanan puskesmas lebih baik.

Ayo... Bekerja cerdas agar tercapai visi indonesia sehat.

By. Baktiar

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