RE: We Need A Consensus On How To Credit Photos & Quotes Easily

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We Need A Consensus On How To Credit Photos & Quotes Easily

in steemit •  8 years ago 

yes if the info could be embedded in the photo itself that'd be awesome or a way to when you download a photo to have the info stored within it (or at the bottom of the photo/linked) so you could have the option to see the source with a hover and still be able to have a click do a different feature like take you to another section or page.

I always want to give credit. But then if I photoshop a picture using ten different original photos do i have to cite each one or is it now my photo? I'm not quite sure to be honest, but it would be nice to know if any lawyers could give us a best practice for those of us that do photoshop or combine photos etc.

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