YouTube is pushing me to Steemit!steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  8 years ago 

I've been creating Bitcoin and crypto related content for just over a year. I've started to make a little bit of a living at it, and things were looking up for me as a YouTube content creator. Since I started my channel "BTC Sessions" I've grown to nearly 13,000 subs and almost 700,000 views on my videos. How exciting!

btc sessions profile1.jpg

But alas, centralization has now reared its ugly head and given me a dose of reality. Turns out something I'm doing is no longer advertiser friendly. This has resulted in any new content being uploaded being flagged and any monetization being pulled. So much for that bright YouTube future.

Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 8.39.40 AM.png

So what am I doing to get my monetization pulled? Must be pretty awful right?
Well that's the thing. I have NO FUCKING CLUE. Videos started getting flagged, so I submitted all of them for manual review. Guess what? They all came back as still being demonetized. Even worse - there's no explanation as to why. I took a look through possible reasons and I can't seem to find anything other than (possibly) the odd swear in my live streams. I've now emailed support to get clarification.

If there's one thing this has taught me, it's that whenever there is a centralization of power and a means to censor/dis-incentivize certain types of content - it will eventually come to bite you in the ass. I'm pretty new here on Steemit, but this has taught me the value of having a censorship resistant forum. As I learn the ropes here I hope to become a large contributor to the ecosystem. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for being a "way out" of the centralized model.

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You should take a look at dtube.

Definitely looking at it :) Thanks for the suggestion!

That platform has a lot of potential as a YouTube substitute. This site it more for blogs :)

Dtube limit the life of videos. They take them down after about a month I think. Check limitations of Dtube first

Welcome man! The community here is deep in the crypto and liberty game. They expect great content and it pushes you to deliver. Good luck!

Thanks man, I really appreciate the welcoming arms!

If you don't comply with the ideology of Google or YouTube, you will be ostracized/censored at some point. I saw the same thing happen with this guy:

His videos on psychedelics are very well done, and are quite informative, but for some "unknown" reason, YouTube started to demonetize his content.

Anyhow, you got a new follower. Welcome to Steemit.

Craziness. Yeah it looks like anyone deemed not advertiser friendly is going to be driven away! Thanks for the follow!!!

The big question is: how is YouTube determining this so-called "advertiser friendliness?" Who sets the criteria?

Content that doesn't meet with the status quo. If you regurgitate fox news, or BBC you'll be okay

You won't look back.

I'm already starting to feel like this was a blessing in disguise.

welcome to steemit man, I remember watching your hardware wallet reviews way back when. Thank you!

YT is trying to be the new Netflix (which will not happen) with their streaming service. Our good friends, @mericanhomestead, apparently had their YT account suspended due to them having a somewhat conservative voice and a self-sufficient tone.

Not sure what their motivation is behind all these shenanigans, but I know many channels are switching off and folks are telling YT to go pound sand.

Keep in mind that Google owns and controls YT and may be in the process of building a Big Brother type universe. That's if you believe in conspiracies and such.

Welcome to the community and Steem On Brother!

This is the place to be! Resteemed

Thanks Randy!

Hi I'm quite new here too. It takes a while I guess until you're seen, but I guess if you make a video about your steemit account, your youtube followers might follow to steemit. It's really cool, its more like a community. There's a ton of good posts and information on here. So, welcome and keep posting some videos here. Maybe with another platform than youtube. Cheers

His youtube followers would benefit too if they join steemit

Thanks so much. The platform looks very promising and I'm looking forward to spending more time here. Everyone is so welcoming :)

That sucks man. YouTube has gotten way too out of hand in their crackdown. I would not be shocked if they start to target people talking about bitcoins as advertisers might not like having their ads play on that type of content. At least here you will know your cryptocurrency chats will be welcome

Always best in life to diversify even the platforms you use for social out reach for your own brand.

Recently a DTube application was created. I have not personally used it. Might be something you want to look into and it can be found here

There is always plenty to do here on Steemit. People do love reading forecasting, crytonews and anything related to it.

Heck, there are even contests once in a while where people are looking for information about different alt coins or where to invest. Winning one of those can help bringing some attention back to you as well.

One of the people I follow @birdistheword is holding a contest with $50 Steem for first place that you might be interested in Battle Of The Crypto Coins

Please Note: I took your asking for feedback as permissions to share some links. If you would like me to remove them please just ask and I will. Thanks.

This is some fantastic information, thanks so much Enjar! I'll check out everything you've mentioned - I'm especially interested in the dTube thing. Maybe I'll try uploading there today!

The spammy guy on this post has been at it all day buddy LOL. @enjar flag that spam LOL

hehe I drop them off in a channel and hope someone else has time to murder them good and dead ;p

You are too funny man


I try, just fried my brain on my new blog out. oh my war on spam....

Just got some blogs out and doing replies and heading out soon, will check it out shortly man -- thanks for LMK

Hi man! Good to have you on Steemit. I used one of your videos to make my first paper wallet. I wil follow you and hope everything works out well here.

That's so awesome to hear! I love running into people that I've helped in some way. I'll try to start posting a ton more content here.

Yes it really helped me. Thanks man. And i look forward to check more of your content. is like DTube .

Your content probably whasn't advocating their ideologies. I bet my brainless gaming videos I uploaded years ago still are all monetized...

Haha it's scary that they can just pull funding like that. What an awful model.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Steemit Ben! Stoked to have you here as your YouTube videos have been extremely helpful to me over the last year or so! Really appreciate your "how to" vids and review of different wallets and tech - very clear and easy to follow.
Following and Resteemed:)

This is so cool to see - people that have watched my stuff on YouTube before. It's extremely humbling. Thanks for the support. Gives me the warm fuzzies inside, lol

I've been helping him the last few weeks here, Ben here is good people.

I am happy to know you here! I like your channel!

Thanks so much! Happy to be here!

I’m coming to your rescue. Stay tuned…

(you really should follow me)

dtube and anything built on Steem’s onboarding model simply won’t scale.

Sorry for the bad luck bro. However, as a believer in the free market I must advise you to change with the times. The cream will always rise to the top and crap will sink. TY has almost ran its course anyhow. Glad we could make it in Steemit before the rush!

That's CRAZY, man. I just found you on YouTube last week and your videos are fantastic quality. No idea why anyone would think they're not advertiser friendly. Maybe some of the more conservative companies still associate crypto with illegal drug trade or something?

Welcome to Steemit! I have a hunch you are going to go far here. Youtubers tend to make an excellent transition to the Steemit platform, and especially with your interest in crypto you'll fit in super well.

I am sorry to hear about your problems with Youtube demonetization. I have certainly heard this story many times from friends and from Youtubers I don't know. It must be confusing and frustrating.

Posting in the main channel is probably the best place for now, but if you post on DTube I understand that will cross-post onto the main forum. Even though Dtube is incredibly new and still has some bugs and is basically like Youtube week 1, you might do well to post there from the beginning so that you build up a database of videos that will be there when Dtube grows and comes into its own. Meanwhile you'll probably get more feedback and interaction over here on regular Steemit.

I'll definitely check out both your Youtube and Steemit channels. I'm very new to crypto but I can't get enough of it! I'm trying to learn from the people around here and on Youtube.

Good luck to you!

Thank you so much for the advice and kind words. I can't wait to use Steemit more!


Interesting I am still attempting to work this all out maybe we could help each other?

Welcome to Steemit! with the experience you have on youtube, it will be very easy to grow in this community. I think you've come to the right place. Do not worry about the demonetization, that was something that would soon happen. Here you will have much to give. I hope you do well.

Guys, my name is Leo I'm new here on steemit, I'm an ecommerce and marketing expert would love to bring some of my stuff over to steemit in the future, so please check out my profile, thanks!

Well you have been posting here for over a year...
have you not realised the potential over youtube and co
but then you powered down 4 months ago...

go for the big ones like youtube and get burnt
you should have stuck here man... you would have been better off

Hey @benperrin117,

Good to see you here! I wish you all the best in your future in this space and with the Dtube. You are definitely one of the standouts in the Crypto education field... you helped me understand it all a lot better.

Thanks. All the best! Mboydie @boydman

Thanks so much, I'm so happy you found my stuff useful :) I'll definitely keep posting here!

Great post , welcome to our community , you will make a lot of money here with your videos

Bro it's happening to everybody! If you revolt against the system which is the Petro dollar...they will punish you. I'm waiting for STeemit to add video upload/hosting capabilities...then we'll destroy YouTube.

That sucks. I've heard Youtube implemented a new algorithm that automatically flags and removes content it deems "controversial"--all without a human ever touching it, and without any means of appeal. It's clearly targeting certain types of videos that challenge the status quo narrative. Which is sickening because it completely ignores #ElsaGate content.

Sorry to hear that, but at the same time kinda glad the system is so anti crypto.
All the Demons are showing their faces. The people will rise above.
Rise from the fire Brother and reinvent yourself, your in good company :-)

I would move on to DTube for sure :)

Hello, you are doing Amazing Work, keep it up... :) Enjoy your time here in Steemit... It's a great community! ** I am an new user, still in learning stage... I am following your account, can you please also follow me at @space-man ?

From: --- Best Regards

helo i m quite new here on steemit but i really like ur post great job

So glad you're here! Love your yt videos. Upvoted and followed!

I like many others got hit hard by adpocalypse so I feel your pain. The one thing I wonder about is this. While I agree I hate authority and companies these days are pretty shitty, on DTube I see people uploading full Game of Thrones episodes. Where do you think the middle ground lies in giving people freedom of expression and not being a gatekeeper between creators and consumers, but also keeping rif raf off the site be it really nasty stuff like child porn or just people like streaming and posting say teh floyd mayweather connor mcgregor fight?

yeah bro , steemit is a great platform to earn from your articles

I knew as soon as you tweeted that one DISLIKE to what YT did to you in the last day or so, that was a sore spot for both of us man. That's why I commented on it.


How about Demonized --- for living in a Decentralized future while YT and globalist Google sucks eggs and steals privacy, money and civil liberties from all of us.

I am glad to see this post doing well. I will keep helping you man, you are doing good things for humanity.

The OPPOSITE of Google and related globalists working against the human condition.

Nice looking post Benny!!!!


i think youtube is now focus on africa pastors miracle and magic performance

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Dude, I have told you all day to stop spamming people and then you keep saying you are not doing it!!!! And then you keep doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flagged again for spam, which means repeated comments / and or not relating to a blog's content.

Quit telling me you are new and don't know what you are doing, look at your comments tab the last 24 hours!!!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Flagged again.