Cryptocurrency investing fundamentals - Top 5 Altcoins to buy under $1 by David Hay

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Here is a list of the best top 5 Cryptocurrency investing options you can make for under one dollar.

In today's episode David Hay goes over cryptocurrency investing fundamentals and shares his top 5 altcoin that cost under one dollar.

Cryptocurrency Investing Top 5 8/5/2017
IOTA - $0.33
A unique fee free digital currency
Real time exchange platform that I personally use to covert cryptocurrency into BitUSD when I am nervous about market fluctuation.
SIACOIN - $0.009
The AIRBNB for hard drive rental it will compete with amazon aws, google drive and drop box.
POTCOIN - $0.09
Legal Marijuana focused cryptocurrency that could see explosive growth because of the fight between the federal and state governments over the now legal recreational MMJ industry.
Ripple - $0.17
Banking and financial cryptocurrency that allows for real time gross settling and can work on top or completely replace the SWIFT system.

leave a comment below and let me know if you agree or not with David hay, do you think the above cryptocurrencies deserve to invest in, and why ?

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I like Ripple, Bitshares and Siacoin....UPVOTED

really mean to say TO THE MOON!!

Hi brainpow,

thanks for posting your ideas.

SIA and Bitshares are on my list as well.
IOTA has much potential as well.

Ripple might be good to invest in, but it´s somehow against the ideas of cryptos in my opinion.

I personally don´t care about Potcoin. Marijuana and investing don´t fit in my opinion.


  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I would also recommend looking into Xinfin... their ticker is XDC... Right now they are listed for $0.0007, which is 0.00000015 satoshis...
Look into what they're doing and it is a steal at this price. I personally own a million XDC... :D

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

IOTA y POT . Price Up . Others low

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you for your filters on this 5...I do not now ahead, but now I would not invest on Potcoin :(.... sound interesting Ripple due to intention.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

good post IOTA 1,07 $

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

excelente :D

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

buen contenido