Fighting a spambot

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

I'm still a relative noob, but I've just had my first encounter with a spambot flooding multiple posts with a short message of support: "Simply Great Information and Presentation". However, despite seemingly liking the content, the user does not upvote the post.

At first I thought this is annoying, but no harm done. But then I looked at the user's other posting activity and saw that quite a few post authors upvoted the comment, giving the spam author rewards. I've flagged some, but I'm just a minnow, so calling on support from those with more steem power.

Also, my post recieved the comment twice, so it seems the bot has a bug.

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I have the same problem but I didn't understand if we get some problems leaving there or if it doesn't matter

If you flag the post, and enough people flag it as spam, eventually its rep will suffer and its comments will be greyed out. There's not much a single person can do, but as a community, we can #doourpart

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The comment on this thread is stilling showing author rewards. Could someone with higher steem power please flag it. #doyourpart

Yep I got the same bot on my lastest piece. Posted twice. This sort of stuff will eventually get weeded out easily.

What if you mute the account? At least it won't show up for you, right?

Yeah, that's true. I'm actually not offended as much by the comments as spam as much as the fact that the spambot is earning rewards for its actions.

Agree. I actually just started flagging it instead. That way it's at least being blocked a little, rather than just marginalized.