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converting a country currency to crypto,
then to a ledger and back to another country currency.
that will open up a new era of transacting in the internet.

Nicely spoken!!!

@britvr Love it! Go block chain technology! If you get the chance, can you upvote my newest post where I teach you how to $20/Day on Steemit? :) Thanks! Love it! :) Those are good posts! If you get the chance, can you upvote my newest post where I teach you how to $20/Day on Steemit? :) Thanks!

Fantastic video! I'm just starting out learning about the crypto world, and I would love a tutorial on what you use and why? (websites, computer specs to mine with, what type of crypto wallet you recommend, etc.)

it all on my youtube channel....

Great, thank you! I'll check it out now!

iex looks interesting.

its looking good