Steemit Exposed!

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Steemit is part of the paradigm that exploits fear, which is infiltrating the globe right now.
When humanity ignores God's laws, this is the result. Fear enslaves, which is why Jesus said "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
Knowing only lies and fear will make you susceptible to things such as Steemit which enslave you by wasting your time serving the creator of this scam, rather than serving God, which is what you should really be doing.
Steemit, among many things, exploits your greed for money.
Unfortunately even the United States has fallen susceptible to this vulnerability.
Another example is Uber's business model.
See, there are many many different systems at work now against people who live under fear. The only way to avoid falling into this trap is to awaken yourself to the truth by reading the Holy Bible.
Check my blog for the Sermon on the Mount. It's a great place to start in unshackling yourself from this dumb scams that waste your time.

If this website was any good, in theory, my post would make a ton of money, then everyone would quit.
But that won't happen because of the reasons I already mentioned.

Hopefully you read this before it gets flagged.

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After reading some of your posts from a week ago I conclude that you may have mental issues to deal with. This is probably not the right place to deal with them.

How does Steemit exploit fear?

Christianity is the ULTIMATE exploitation of fear. The idea that you'll go to hell if you're not saved...

I would hope that it does not get downvoted. While I do not entirely agree with you it is good that you can have a say.

Thanks for your opinion.

This is the age where grown ups chase Pokemons, Go figure. The world is upside down Steemit ...Whale? Jesus is Steemit. Hallelujah!