There was a time where I was going to the gym every single day for months...
I started to feel off after sometime - my mood and energy took a huge hit. I decided to try a 3-day split to see if that's the variable that's causing chaos. I began to feel better instantly and make tremendous amount of progress in all domains.
My goal wasn't to get bigger anymore, nor it is to get more shredded. My goal was to become more athletic. A fine balance of strength, mobility, flexibility, cardio, and most importantly mindfulness.
I escaped the bodybuilding scene
Well let's face it, its obsessive characteristics isn't exactly fun. I went ahead and created my OWN scene. Also, what's the point of looking good if you can't even do the simple primal movements? We are attracted to aesthetic physiques because we think they indicate functionality. The thing is - the majority of these physiques lack athleticism. The beauty of lower frequency is that it allows you to recovery fully. It also allows you to walk light and feel energized, rather than feel stiff, sore, and heavy.
The results?
So even though I'm only in the gym 3 times a week, I'm growing at a much faster rate than before. I can focus better and remain centered throughout the day because I'm giving my body a chance to heal and regenerate. You can argue and say it isn't the most effective way, but I think that's for me to prove. I come in without a coach, without a diet, and without a strict workout routine. I come in with a much hippie approach because this should be a lifestyle - the bodybuilding lifestyle is simply not ideal. It's gonna do more damage than good.
Final words...
I've witnessed dozens of competitors gain ten, twenty, even thirty pounds just a few weeks after stepping on stage. Look I'm not saying just hippie it - all I'm saying is that don't specialize before you get the base right. Your base is the intention of getting healthier, psychologically and physiologically. The surface (your physique) will follow and be a bonus. I did the exact opposite, and I'm not gonna lie - it was one hell of a ride. It still is - but I'm working on it One step a time, this is a life-long journey - not a 3 month plan :) How often are you lifting weights?