As many people know, the internet has changed our generation, it is a useful tool in our daily life, a service we use every day and when we fail we feel lost and vulnerable.
It is the main means of communication, information and entertainment. Even food we can buy without leaving home.
But the internet is not just that, as everything good also has its dark side. Side that only some have dared to enter to see that it hides.
The deep web will be bought from the current black market. What you can not find on Amazon or eBay you can buy there.
From PayPal accounts to citizenships of countries like The United States of America.
The idea is very good:
Buy a PayPal account with a positive balance, for only $ 15 (bitcoins) and thus get some more money, cool!
Buy an American citizenship for $ 5000 and be able to live and work in the best country in the world.
Among other services that the deep web promotes.
It looks very easy., Really deludes.
But, true or false, the deep web is full of scams, nobody gives you security that your money will be refunded if the seller does not comply with the sale.
There are more risks than benefits.
It may be that in some time the deep web scams were few, but today, with the influence of bitcoin and the ease of payment and impossible tracking of those transactions make the deep web the ideal nest for scams.
Possibly if there are "honest" sellers who sell their "legal" cheaper merchandise through the deep web, but more are the "sellers" who try to cheat.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.