How to make a Steem Salad. [Warning: if youre allergic to Steem, stay away from this Post!]

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

@camilla and @helle made a delicious Steem Salad using only Steem ingredients and Steem tools. In this post we share with all you lovey Steemians how you can make this amazing Steemy Salad.

First and foremost you need a Steem Chef, preferably two:

Then you will have to need all these Steemy stuff:

Steem Tomatoes and Steem Basil!

Steem Balsamico!

Steem Salad Herbs!

Steem Mozzarella!

Steem Olives!

Steem Avocado!

Steem Olive Oil!

A Steemy Mess!

Now you will have to need various Steem Tools:

First of all, a Steem Knife and a Steem Cutting Board!

A Steem Fan!

A Steem Bonzai for Peaceful Steem Harmony in the Kitchen!

A Steem Window, to let in the Steem light, Steem air and Steem view!

Another important Steem object, the Steem Oven!

At this point you should take a break and eat some Steem Strawberries:

And drink some Steem Cider!

Now you can continue to chop the Steem Tomatoes, Mozzarella and Avocado!

Arrange the Steem ingredients beautifully on a Steem Plate and drizzle over the Steem Herbs!

Do not forget the delicious Steem Balsamico and Olive Oil!

Ready to serve!

And eat!

Serve with some Steem Bread

And Steem Water!

Super Delicious and Steemy! Gives you plenty of energy and Steem Power

Warning! We added to much Steem to the mix! Do not do this at home…

Steem here! Steem there! STEEM EVERYWHERE!!!!!

Check out our more serious cooking here

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I am salivating over that salad. Going to the market now to give this a try. Great post, I can see a lot of work went into this and this is why I like steemit. Stoked to make the steemit salad.

Thank you! :D I agree! I love steemit, and I see a lot of people working hard on their posts :)

this salad is really great as a starter if you are having people over for a dinner party. I works well before almost all main dishes. Let us know if you liked it! :D

This is your sister right?Be careful with all that steem!

yes @helle is my sister :) thanks for the warning :D

it was me commenting from her user by the way :D

This was actually really inventive. I enjoyed reading that :)

thank you! happy to hear that you liked it :D

I did :)

This made my day like nothing else. From now on, everything I do is gonna be a STEEM version.

Haha, thats awesome :D we had a lot of fun making this post!

It shows, that's why the most genuine posts are the best. I am looking forward to more recipes and great posts of yours. Keep up the good work!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

thank you! I agree that having fun and spending time making your post unique and creative will be worth the extra hours:D

Nice looking salad, especially the tomatoes and basil, I grow some of those myself!

cool! you should try making this salad, but we careful :D

Avocado fan here. Steemit drawing logo in every pic. Now that is a first.

haha yes someone had to do it

After I read the title I thought there will be a lot of blueberry in this salad.
It seems you really got too much STEEM!:)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

why blueberry?

because the steem logo is blue ?

Yes. I don't know any other fruit what is blue, maybe plum.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

haha yes maybe we have to make something blue next time :D

Haha! looks like a tasty salad :D

That last picture is pretty funny :D who took it though? :o

well thats a funny story :D we spent a lot of time rigging up the camera in the clothes rack and using timer.

Oh really? Hahah, I thought it was for sure a third person holding it.. that makes it even funnier. xD

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

we should have made a video of it :D it was pretty silly to be honest.

I never recieved your email though, are you on the steem chat?

Ah apologize, I keep forgetting to send it :D I'll contact you tomorrow :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

no problem! I just thought there was something wrong with my email because of another mail I did not get eighter :) Take the time you need.

How did I miss this? :(

If I may ask, why are your condiments written in French Camilla? I thought you were from Norway?

I think that it's a great idea to have food in different languages! :) That way you can cook and speak French :)

good job