in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone,

I just want to give some basic information to understand how robots can speak with us and give reasonable answers.

To understand what I am going to talk about in this article please write on Google "cleverbot" and ask some question to the robot.


Everything we see on our computer screens is just full of codes. For instance when you click on "google chrome" computer takes information from you. In Python language its mean "input". Python language is really usable by the way.

Anyway, the machine takes the double click on the pixel chrome on screen. Automatically machine takes "input" and compare with the database. If the programmer describes the double click to the system and its match, programmer tells the system yes if "input" info match, let him in.


Let's give a better example;
What I want to program is something basic, program will ask me where are you from? And I will answer. According to my country, the program will tell me "Good Morning" in that language. For instance, I am from Poland, the program will tell me "Dzien Dobry" or I am from Turkey and program will answer with "Günaydın".
Let's write this basic program in the basic language.

First of all I will set some database to match information. I am putting some language and country.

def turkey
def england

(def means define)

now what we are doing is taking information

answer = input ("where are you from")

Now he or she will give me an answer so I need to write a matching system

if (answer == def England):
print (Good Morning, sir)

So here we say if input data which we took from user match with England, print "Good morning" on the screen.
Facebook uses this program every day. The program takes your location info according to your "IP" address then tell you "Good Morning" in your language.


After this basic program, you can clearly understand how the program can answer our question.
Basically, if your info matches with the database, it finds better a solution for you.


Thanks for reading please vote and resteem...

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Thanks for important information =)

You are welcome :)

Teknoloji vw bilgi dolu güzel bir paylaşım olmuş emeğinize sağlık ☺️

teşekkürler :)

Very good forwarded basic informations :)