My School day's memories -- LUB TUB movement

in steemit •  9 years ago 


This one is from my school days when me  and my friend was punished for not paying attention in the classroom.

It was our Maths  class and me and my friend were quite famous(in bad ways) in eyes of our Maths teacher. Her lecture was just after the recess and we were feeling sleepy and bored. So to kill the boredom me and my friend started playing tic-tac-toe. Don't know somehow she came to know that we are not writing down her notes and instead doing something else. She came to our desk and started checking our notebooks.
We had just written the name of the topic on our notebooks and beside it was all blank.
She started screaming at us, cursing us for our such behavior. Then she told us because of our this attitude we have scored less marks in just concluded Unit Test. She was so devastated with us that she told us to go and wait outside her cabin. As she was in no mood to waste time of others just because of us.

As per her command we marched out towards her cabin.

We reached there and was standing outside her cabin.
Then came the peon, he asked us what we are doing out there?
To save our dignity in front of the peon, we told him that we are waiting for the teacher.
He said we can't wait here as Principal is on round, instead go and wait inside her cabin.
About her cabin. She was the in-charge of our class store room , so her cabin was a small chamber inside in that  room . The chamber was just sufficient for one teacher with space for one table, three chairs, two cub-boards.
We went inside and placed ourselves comfortably at one corner. Both of us were anxious that what she is going to do with us? Is she going to call our parents or are we going to be reprimanded in front of our Principal.

Sudden Devil Idea :


Suddenly my friend said let's check our marks. Let's see how much we have scored? So that we know what lies ahead?
We knew where she writes the marks of the students. So I started looking out for that register while my friend was patrolling on the door. Within a minute my search completed successfully. I founded that register. But what grabs my attention was, our actual exam papers were also there under the register. I told my friend and he told me to look for the marks in the paper instead of her register.
I started searching for mine and his paper. What I observes during that search was few papers at the beginning were checked but after that none were checked. When I found my paper it was un-checked and so was of my friend. We were puzzled!! If it is not checked then how cum we have scored less marks. After that we checked her register too, there was no such entry of our marks.
We realized she was fooling us and we were relieved. But my friend said what if she will check it in front of us? He started saying I haven't done so well and might score even less than 20(exam was of 40 marks). Then neither of us said anything and we just stared towards each other and we both have that evil smile on our face. We knew what next we are going to do.

"We were going to re-write our paper."

Next we started to search for the book and the matching pen from her Pen-stand. Luckily we both found one. Luck was totally with us as she had two back-to-back lectures that day. It means we have time. Fortunately I was aware where we could find the correct answers and with an eye on the door and an eye on the book we jotted the correct answers in our papers in no time.

Our Acting  Time :

After a while she came and gave us a pity smile. She started saying something and we started our cry of sorry. We started acting and told her that we won't repeat it in future.
She was somewhat convinced. Then she forwarded us the bundle of papers and asked us to find our papers and give it to her. We did accordingly.
First she took my friends paper and asked him how much he is expecting?
He: Ma'am around 35.
Teacher: Really? Did you do so well?
He: Yes, ma'am I worked really hard this time around. And I am in shock that in spite of working so hard I didn't do well.
Teacher: You really worked hard this time?
He: Yes, ma'am.
Teacher: Yet I haven't checked your paper so don't worry.
Me: Ma'am not even mine?
Teacher: Yes not even yours. How much are you expecting?
Me: Around 30+
She didn't said anything after that and glued her eyes on the paper. She murmured a few words in between but we didn't notice what she said. She was of course a bit strict in terms of giving marks and here and there unnecessarily she was deducting marks.

Pleasant  movement :

     After checking both our papers, she gave it to us and asked us to do the totalling. I got 36 and my friend 35.We wrote our marks in front and then gave it to her to re-check our total. She did so and after that with a gentle smile she said, both of you have that in you to do well. Why always waste your time in doing such non-sense thing? Pay more attention in the class and don't repeat such non-sense in future. We nodded to that. Then we were pardoned and we were free to go back to our classroom.

What is your best movement like this in your life ?

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