
I finally finished my day at 10:30 PM and took a shower. I had saved the best refreshment for last because it was the most exhausting day of the week. I stepped into the rain and switched the faucet to its coldest setting just before I finished. When the clear, sharp water needles struck my flesh, they melted over me like lava—a ceremony for Monday's conclusion.
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are always my busiest days since that's when I've decided to focus on chances outside of my little sphere. Naturally, my dream is to keep them empty. But I will be there if the event seems more worthwhile than my quiet solitude. One of those occasions was last weekend, which included a reading my writing aloud at a friend's exhibition, lectures interwoven with the world of book fairs, and an introduction to art books by Noh Seongil, a graphic designer at Sojanggak.
The three guiding principles of Sojanggak, which translates to "House of Small Books," are uniqueness, elegant form, and attention to the peripheral. Due to a hectic schedule, Noh's first international trip was to Bangkok. He found his artistic voice there, and Southeast Asia and typography have been central themes in his work ever since. He clarified that the cornerstone of a coherent body of work is a distinct set of keywords. Through them, the deluge of inspiration is filtered.
I experienced a dopamine rush as I stood in front of the unique collection of books he had collected from art book fairs worldwide. Of all the books, I was particularly interested in Rules of Photographing a Scoliotic Patient from The Book Show and Walking as Research Practice from Soapbox Journal. Their timeless impressions, understated elegance, and the minute elements in their pages struck a profound chord. I mentioned those two when I was talking to other creators about the books that resonated with us. They said I was a good fit. This experience helped me better understand the specific aesthetic I want to continue pursuing among the myriad designs and forms of beauty in the world.
A question had been gnawing in the back of my mind, a dilemma I had struggled with time and time again but never managed to resolve. However, a thread of clarity became apparent when I listened to his branding strategy. I felt a slight thrill when he told his story. After the lecture, I went to my favorite cafe-bar to clear my head while munching on sourdough and drinking mugwort tea. And I started doing what needed to be done as soon as I came home.
Monday was my job's busiest day of the week, so I was totally focused on it. I couldn't even fit in my regular workout because I had so much to do, but I'll get back to my routine tomorrow. Clarity is necessary for the work I do for others and myself. I came to see that much of my tension and annoyance stem from things that aren't clearly defined. A life where defined ideals guide deliberate planning and impromptu opportunities brings me a lot of fulfillment. Although I still haven't discovered the solution, I've finally given myself the means. Even though the path ahead may be difficult, I strongly believe it will be very fruitful.