in steemit •  9 years ago 

My outrageous claim: STEEM to reach 8 dollars in 30 days, and 50 dollars in 90 days. 


It was just a few days ago that a friend recommended me about Siacoin and Steemit as his new favorite cryptocurrencies. Having a lot of time by my side, I spent some time reading about it. SIA is interesting, but its STEEMIT I fell in love with.

SIA is a company in its early phase of setting up a “secure, encrypted, decentralized, customizable, storage system.” The system has like many other crypto-projects the potential to disrupt, and in this case to disrupt the current cloud market.  

STEEMIT is a project that rewards users for blogging, commenting and curating. STEEMIT itself is revolutionary in an already revolutionary world of crypto-currencies. STEEMIT, instead of only mining or using proof of stake concepts, connects the currency with its users by rewarding blogging, posting, and curating. This extra dimension gives it a totally different twist than other cryptocurrencies.    


1) STEEMIT RUNS ON LIMITLESS FUEL. Human beings are creatures that think and that hold complex values. It is in our nature to express ourselves and to exchange values. Our need for self-expression manifests itself in our need for reading, listening, talking, feeling, etc. They play such an important role in our lives. If STEEMIT uses this human trait as fuel, I believe it will be a fuel that will never burn out. As people are inherently diverse, made up of unique values and opinions, that we will always have the need to express/exchange something from ourselves.

2) INCREASED CREATIVITY THROUGH EASINESS OF CONNECTING OURSELVES. Like YouTube it is possible for anyone to earn money by posting articles or videos on STEEMIT. This increases the connectivity, and so will result in people becoming more creative. Most famous theories and insights have been discovered through creativity – through the connecting of the dots between already available ideas and molding it into something new.  

3) AN EFFECTIVE REWARD SYSTEM TO MAXIMIZE CREATIVITY. STEEMIT allows every person to post. Before, in the era of radio and television, only a select group of people who were well connected, and often (not always) talented, could rise above the masses and become stars or superstars. This form of centralized celebrity gave these people enormous rewards. With STEEMIT, because of its unique reward system that offers opportunities to anyone to benefit from content creation, everyone who has anything interesting or valuable to say for the community can become a celebrity. It encourages people to become creative.   


STEEMIT IS “EASILY” ACCESSIBLE FOR “ANYONE” AROUND THE WORLD. Anyone can access STEEMIT by signing up. It takes no more than a few clicks to get started. And because the barriers of entry are so low, millions of people can become a part of this movement.  

STEEMIT IS CONQUERING A NICHE MARKET, and will soon set its sight on the multi-billion dollar social media pie. Peter Thiel wrote in his book – From Zero to One, that in order to increase the success rate of a startup, one should focus on a small market where your product or service has a high likelihood to succeed. STEEMIT, is doing just that. It is similar to Reddit, but with feature of rewarding people for their content. With the current “exponential/explosive” adoption rate, I expect it will outperform Reddit. When its growth becomes well-known and the media jumps on its success story, other social media will adopt the STEEMIT-system into their platform.  

STEEMIT’S ROADMAP TO SUCCESS IS SHORTER AND MORE DIRECT THAN BITCOIN. We all remember Bitcoin’s early stages. It took a lot of time, adjustments, and trust to gain serious traction. Only after overcoming many hurdles it reached a market cap of 10 billion. STEEMIT doesn’t have to go through all of this. The lever for STEEMIT has been put in place already by the social media platforms. People have gotten used to FACEBOOK, YouTube, and Reddit. STEEMIT has to use this lever and jump with their unique blockchain concept. How far and high this jump will be, is for all of us a guess.  

STEEMIT’S MARKET CAP IS JUST 0,5% OF BITCOIN’S MARKET CAP. At the moment of writing this article, the value of steem rises from 30 to 60 cents. A 100 percent increase in value in just one day. This overnight doubling of value is only possible, because of the relatively small market cap STEEMIT still has. It is unlikely that Bitcoin is able to rise a 100% in value overnight, as it is 200 times bigger than the steem currency.  

I believe there are more reasons for STEEMIT to succeed. But for now I think it’s best to keep it short.   

If you like my post, please feel free to share your views, critique and opinions. Let’s exchange our views on it in order to come to a more comprehensive view on STEEMIT’s revolutionary project. Let me know what your thoughts are, and to encourage some speculative enjoyment; “WHAT DO YOU THINK THE PRICE OF STEEM WILL BE IN 30 DAYS AND 90 DAYS OF TIME?”

Thanks for reading.      

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I give you credit for being an optimist! I am a Steem contrarian and I don't see the price being much different in a year, probably around 20 cents then. Steem dollars are inflationary which is not a good thing when it comes to long term value. I think it is great that people can turn Steem dollars into Bitcoin and that everyone should take advantage of that opportunity while it still is around.

The supply growth is 113% per year, so let say the STEEM supply doubles in this year. However the value it represents can growth much faster initially. I think the number of posts/users can easily increase tenfolds in this year.

If supply is currently limited and ~80% of all STEEM is vested as Steem Power, why would the value of each drop 60 cents with new accounts rising exponentially?

Changed your view about it now?:P

Our need for self-expression
If STEEMIT uses this human trait as fuel, I believe it will be a fuel that will never burn out.

I fully agree. Self-expression allows us to learn how similar many of us are. This type of self-expression use to happen at pubs and taverns, which are no longer where solid talk by people in your local community happens very much anymore.

If anything the internet has done, especially with steem's blockchain, is unite similar people together. We can now celebrate and enjoy everything it continues to offer.

I love steemit, it's fun and interesting, and I never know what to expect next.

Idk about that I mean we would all be rich then! But still what. A nice thought and you never really know with crypto!

The beautiful thing about these revolutionary projects is that because of the special features, it can deliver great value/usefulness to our daily lives. And any product that offers value, chances are likely it will get adopted.

Agreed 100% with that and so far I have not found many reasons not to use Steemit!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

"Our need for self-expression manifests itself in our need for reading, listening, talking, feeling, etc. They play such an important role in our lives. If STEEMIT uses this human trait as fuel, I believe it will be a fuel that will never burn out. As people are inherently diverse, made up of unique values and opinions, that we will always have the need to express/exchange something from ourselves."

I like this part the best. It's an argument I haven't heard so far. I think you're right that Steemit makes use of people's desire to express themselves. I'm not sure about the price increases though. I prefer not to make predictions, and just enjoy and support the platform.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Wow. I can't believe Steem is doing so well. At the time of writing it was just 60 cents. And now it just touched 1,27 usd. This is a big step for steem as it will attract more bloggers to the website.

"Congratulations to steemit's creators/developers"

I've been around the crypto block for many years now and while I agree Steem is most definitely doing something unique, new and exciting here, I always get worried that the top is near when supposed logical and rational comparisons to bitcoin are made.

Granted though, with the crazy pace of signups any kind of crash might be incredibly short-term.... So perhaps you're on to something.