Here you have... Welcome cake to celebrate people excitement about #Steeemit!

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

In life, the most beautiful things created by people, are inspired by passion and love. If you love what you do, the results are certainly unusual and beautiful. Your workload is a mirror of your success, and any attempt of another step forward can be already consider as a success.

Therefore it's important to do things in life, that make us feel happy!:D

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"

One of my ways to sweeten life is to bake sweet cakes, cookies and sweet desserts. In the kitchen, time passes for me in the blink of an eye, a fun and artistic mess interact well with each other.

When I create a guided imagination and improvisation makes an integral element in my work. Most of joy gives me the opportunity, to share with my loved ones, with all what's the best . That's why, I bake goodies to share my joy with those whom I love the most.

In my first post I've promised to share with you with some of my personal here you go..

7 eggs
300 g flour
250 g of sugar
200 ml of oil
200 ml of milk
Cream 1l 36%
500 g of berries and blueberries
teaspoon of baking powder
teaspoon of vanilla sugar
200ml coffee
100ml rum

Mix the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar. Add the milk and oil and then add flour, cocoa and baking powder. Proteins beat stiff, add to the chocolate mass, gently stir with a spoon. Cake bake approx. 45 min at 180C.

Baked cake allow it to cool and then divided into 3 parts. Each layer should be soaked coffee with rum. Whip the cream to stiff mass. Cake translate cream and fruit. The whole cake decorate with blueberries.

Today I baked a cake to be able to share with you my great joy that fills me up.. #STEEMIT! The status of my euphoria could compare to the first kiss. Curiosity, fear of the unknown and great hopes. When I open my eyes in the morning I think STEEMIT. It appeared in my life hope of a great revolution of an alternative opportunity for many people who can make the world a better place. I would like to seed a bit of sweetness for a good start for each of you so that in our future desires and faith create reality. I wish for you and myself with all of my heart.

Thank you for your time.I hope you've enjoy it. Please feel free to leave a comments. I look forward to read your reviews!

In the end I would like to thank to all of you who commented or voted my frist post!! :D

Bests Wishes to you all!:D

#steemit #cooking #life #love #cake #sweet #goodies #sweets #baking

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thank you all!!I've blushes on my cheeks! Many thanks for all nice words and votes!
I have lots of projects in my head with #STEEMIT involved. See you soon ;-))

Nice recipes, can be trying the recipes at home

You will need to upvote everyone
So they can have some of your bread crumbs too

No point just by saying

yeah.great cake, what can I say...

looks tasty!

Good recipe :)))

Good Job chicana. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Love it 💋

@chicana Where did you get your t-shirt and slippers?

Top Secret I guess

I am hungry to see the food, but I was not hungry anymore to see you

Upvote all :) $10000

i love it to :v

Sure black

I have a feeling this will be the first 10k USD cake in history

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Those cakes look really tasty and delicious, great recipes you have there and keep up the great work. :)

cakes seemed nice, plus can try together that makes the cake :)

Nice! The cake looks amazing and nice job on the t-shirt! Major branding going on here.


I Love Cake!

To prove it, I am singing this song to you...

just smile you can get what you want.. nice!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

nice the standard recipe

busyet, beutiful girl

Have enough for everyone? ;)

Hi Blue

you missed renting a fiverr girl and sending her a steemit shirt.

Looks good needs more rum though

This post will get maaaaaaany up votes :) and i am the first one commenting, i am so excited! :D :)

wow nice cake @chicana 8]

Beautiful mixer xD

I'm hungry just for looking at the cake lol

Hi gapil
Upvote for you


Just Smile! This is secret ingreedient of a cake!)

Can't wait to see her pie!

Nice! Hopefully you'll share even more further on! :)

Thank you! I will! Stay tuned...:-)

Always smile! That awesome! :)

wow that's really nice recipe I should try it
nice and keep up the good work

Great post! Not sure how I missed this one...
There was someone earlier pretending to be you earlier:

Anyway, nice blog and welcome! I love blueberries and that cake looks delicious! :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

@acidyo Thank you for your coment. I believe @tiffany123 had a good intentions. Thank you @tiffany123

Спасибо Chicana за рецепт, очень вкусный получился торт !

What an improbable post! I hope your trek is everything you wish it to be. You mentioned the follow of getting care packages delivered to post offices at numerous points on the path. have you ever created any arrangements for that? (I apologize if you mentioned it and that i incomprehensible it. I nonfat elements.)

Nice Cake!

I really liked .. thanks for sharing .. keep on posting .. I wait for your next post

Nice, Excellent. Upvoted

Nice cake!

Yep, she is going to be the newest Steemit Millionaire! Life isn't fair but oh well! We are really lucky to be able to post on Steemit Right now. I just did a post about it. It is a must read!

girl nice too! :)

i wish i can take a bite of the cake!

You are so beautiful... and cake ofc))

Tasty Cake!

beautiful girl :)
follow me @ikamili
thank you for watching my video

Nice recipes, can be trying the recipes at home :))

I want cake.


make sure everyone participates in the first steemit lottery

lovely :)

welcome chicana :P

Love the shirt, I've actually got some being made now with the same design!

Too hard to make.. I'll just wait til you open up a Cake Shop and come buy some.

Good job my Dear! :) Cake looks very nice and tasty. Great debut on the #STEEMIT.
All the best for U too!

very creative, and look delicious ^^

im getting hungry, nice

I finally stumbled on real, complete and interesting article! Good job!That's what I personaly would like to read

i love the cakes, my cousin has enterprise of cup cakes and cakes, all time i eat cakes, and i cook many cakes.

I know how i feel this

That looks amazing! I'm a novice but I think I might be able to handle that recipe. Seriously, that looks delicious!

I like the cake you made that looks like a Apple Mac

Yum, looks delicious! I would have never thought to combine coffee and rum with blueberries! I'm a fellow baker and it's true, time really does fly when I'm baking a cake. I look forward to seeing more recipes from you. I just posted about banana bread on my blog, check it out!

welcome @chicana

If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the shirt?

I'm new to Steemit. Can you tell me why you put the date and username validation sign in all the photos?

Amazing post and cake! Soo good to see other foodies here! Im Alla and I have been a chef for few years, so Im very keen to share some amazing recipes and tips as well :) Well done, loved your article! Alla x

STEEMED cake didn't sound very good when I first heard but you made it work. :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I love the recipe because I love baking and I love eating cakes... So delicious idea :)
I am going to bake it !!! Thank you :)