Top 10 hottest women in the world!

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Lets start with the number 1:
Megan Fox

She is the hottest women i have ever seen!

Number 2: Jesicca Alba

Number 3: Kate Upton

Number 4: Scarlett Johansson

Number 5: Selena Gomez

Number 6: Taylor Swift

Number 7: Shakira

Number 8: Beyonce

Number 9: Emma Watson

Number 10: Katy Perry

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You should take a look at my post about making "zoomable/clickable images" that load full-res:

Thanks next time i will do this!

I was almost finished and then i pressed the wrong button and everything was gone. I remade it but without a story on each person cause i already spent 3 hours making it....... :'(

I can't be 100% sure, but, I don't think you "need" a story about each one, the photos suffice ;)

Thanks man... i hate me life. I spend 3 hours for nothing......

Does anyone of u know when i can transfer in the wallet?