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I feel the same way - very hopeful and thankful for the things that have been happening. It feels like a lot of the efforts that I have been making over the last few years are starting to pay off. It has bee a tough but fun road for sure.

I like your quote:

I had to do it either way to work on my mental health and spiritual growth

To me this is such a big plus because there is just enough of a focus to keep me actively engaged doing something, improving my writing and learning new techniques and software.

Thanks for being a part of the journey. Follow your passion and the rest works itself out.

it's nice to hear your success,
this platform is so more than just blogging and posting , it's life and also a life savior :)

Agreed. :)

Great to have you here.

:) Glad you are hear as well.

i so want to get to this stage too. i am working on it.

You got this Terry.

Thank you alot. The truth is i have broken down because of combining both and my body pays for it badly. So i have to quit one really soon and it has to be my job. Jobs here is modern day slavery, from the pay to personal growth, to everything!

We are meant to follow our passion. I am done doing anything else.

Yes! We spend forever doing pawn in another person's dream. I will be glad to tell you when i am free from my job.

Congrats bro. I am enjoying the real deal reveal in your heartfelt posts.
You're surfing the flow, go wide :)

Flow so wide that reality can't stand it. Bend it to your will and take what you want like a bandit. Don't stop flowing even if you can't understand it, just pass it off to @bilbop and the mic he will command it!

You nailed it once again. Indeed in deed :D
The Force has prompted me to take my wife to see Q-oblius X-nob, the Dr Doolittle of Venus for a tune up. My arrival from the ethers may be delayed.
Your prescience and rapid deployment in the immanent zombie threat is greatly appreciated.

Perfect timing. I really believe the blockchain is going to offer new opportunities for many people.

It is and more are still to come. I'm excited about the future and I haven't been in a long time. It's a good feeling.

your decision is a wise one..keep it up.

Thanks Frank.

It's great to hear this is working out so well for you! I quit my job aswell. Trading it for blogging wasn't a conscious decision, but it's just what sort of happened. It does not pay better than a job for me, but atleast it's something and a nice investment for the future I hope!

Due to my burnout, I'm not really able to do the IT jobs I'd like to right now, so I'm happy there's atleast Steemit. This way, I still feel I'm useful and learning/improving skills!

Sometimes our mental health is just more important.

Exactly :-)

You're right -- sometimes it is more of a risk to stay at a job than to quit. I'm happy to hear that this has worked out well for you in many different ways

Like @sandstorm says, you win or you learn, and learning is winning. Failure was never an option :)

Absolutely! And by sharing your experiences, others may learn too.

I remember your article about you quiting your job to write on Steemit when posts were getting thousands. Rewards have fallen quite a bit. For myself, who never gets enough to buy a cellphone, there was no change for me.

It's just a keep at it thing to me. I don't really look at the money much, but all those posts that I did that were not worth much at the time are really adding up as steem price increases. The long term investment is worth it for sure.

Congratulations, your doing something that most people dream of but never act on. Its great to hear a true success story.

Thanks for the encouragement and the story is far from over.

I was going to use this for a quote of the day, but this post deserves it FAR more:

A Real Boss Has No Boss!

And you broham, are a phucking BOSS. if Steemit wasn't around, you'd have gotten onto something else and got shit done anyways.

Thanks, oddly enough my old job was being the boss. I hated it.

That's probably why you hated it then :) You rode around as 'the boss' now you are simply 'a boss'. Subtle changes is all it really takes :)

Heh... old subtle...always doing it's subtle shit.