On fairness, rewards, whales and a bright bright future

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Unless you're part of the cool kids, you've probably felt this:

It can seem frustrating and unfair. "What gives? My post was awesome... that other one was crap!"

Shall we shed some light on this? My hope is that this post won't just help you understand Steemit but how the entire world works. Pretty bold statement but hear me out and life will seem better, make more sense and you get to stop being a victim - Oh lucky you!

The Labour Theory of Value

Uh-oh.. not another australian ecomonics post. Fear not young ones! T'will be brief.

The labor theory of value argues that the economic value of a good or service is determined by the total amount of  labor required to produce it, rather than by the use or pleasure its owner gets from it (Go wiki!). In other words it's the idea that because you worked hard, you should be rewarded lots. But when we talk about trade, it's all about what other humans are willing to give in exchange for your good/service.

To give a simple example, say I spend my Sunday afternoon driving around my county to scrape up roadkill to make a Kanye West statue out of it all. Should I be paid for this labor? Hey! I spent hours of my day in the hot sun where I lost 5 pounds of water from all the sweating I've been doing. I demand fair compensation! No fair that my mom made 50$ off of making a tea-cozy while watching her favorite sit-com in her airconditioned house next to a purring fluffy cat.

Let me put it another way, smbc-comics style:

Steem(it) is no different. Sorry, Marxism isn't magically valid all of a sudden. People don't care how much effort you put into a post, they care only about what they get out of it. What value does your post bring them? (Does the occasional bold font help get my point across?)

If a makeup tutorial brightened your day, then upvote it. Whether it's because you found it useful, you like seeing girls, you are happy someone is bringing different people to the platform, or you simply hate men (shit I dunno). The reason doesn't matter! The upvoters are shareholders just like you and can do what they want with their own property! 

Human Nature

The first pic in this post was modified from one that displayed the number of Facebook status update likes. This type of stuff isn't new or unique to Steemit. It's a side effect of our monkey brains. Don't waste your energy raging against it, you'll just spread negativity around, cut a guy off in traffic and force him to beat his wife and kids to let off steam. That's on you now, good job. Instead you can feel awesome and useful by finding logical solutions to the problem. Wishing the problem away or bitching about it won't change a thing, unless you're into domestic abuse of course. Simple solutions include

  • Don't join the hype
  • Don't partake in "sport voting"
  • Use the flag button freely (aka downvoting) and don't feel bad about it
  • Think up ideas to improve the platform and post them to steemit - remember Steem and Steemit are FAR from their final iterations


Growing Pains

Keep in mind that what you see here is one month old! The first payouts and real influx of users began on July 4th 2016. 

More and more people are discovering the epicness and potential that is Steem(it). It is becoming obvious to most that as the platform gains in popularity, the variety of both content topics and voter preferences is on the rise.

With every single user jumping on board Steemit (requiring STEEM in the process) we see power get distributed. 

The main objection is still the whales (users that have a huuuuuuge amount of SteemPower) but rest assured that even their power is being lowered every passing day. Even without selling a single share of Steem, their power is being proportionally diminished. It's only a matter of time before they start selling some of their stake since...

Everyone has a price

Whales are sitting on a large number of STEEM... good for them! They saw value before others, believed in the idea and helped support the launch of this revolutionary platform. Without early adopters having the incentive that comes from mad reward$, few would have been willing to spend their own money on STEEM and become so vocal about it. (If you are reading this, odds are someone with STEEM told you about it directly or indirectly)

Power will be further distributed as whales cash out some of their shares (STEEM) and reap the rewards of their investment. Every time the market price of STEEM rises, some whales are tempted to cash out a % of their holdings.

We've seen this with Bitcoin already. Once the price hit a dollar, people sold thousands of BTC and "made out like bandits". Some of them have been kicking themselves for not holding on for longer, but it's only by selling off some of their bitcoins that they could get more people on board the system and grow the network. Every time Bitcoin rose in value, the same thing happened, how many BTC whales do you see today?

Understand that when one whale cashes out, it's not just one person cashing in. It can be thousands of users jumping on board... each of which now has stake in the ecosystem. We gain new promoters, new upvoters, new bloggers and commenters.

Everyone has a price. You see some whales with thousands of STEEM now, but as the price rises, it will eventually hit a price they are willing to sell at.

Want to see whales disappear? Promote the shit out of Steem(it) and help us all make STEEM rise on www.coinmarketcap.com

Managing Expectation

I'd like to end on this note.

If you are mad that your post only made a dollar. Take a step back, look at how much you earn for your facebook status updates. Is it zero? Pretty sure it's zero... Now think back to how much you were paid for signing up to Facebook. Was it $10 (now $7) worth of crypto-stock that can skyrocket in the coming years? Pretty sure that's also a No. With Facebook, you are the product, your data is mined and sold off to the highest bidder, with Steem(it) it's not.

So next time you post on Steemit and receive anything above zero dollars (+have to give away your private info) be thankful!

TL;DR = 2m to 2:30 mark:

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I've written on a lot of platforms, and there's nothing new about the frustration of writing good content only to see some trash promoted more heavily.

I remember doing in-depth fight breakdowns, while slideshows of "10 Best Beards in MMA" were given half the front page in promotion.

In my experience, on a long enough timeline, quality always, always trumps quantity. It's up to minnows (like me) to keep churning out the best quality we can if we want to reap the rewards.

So which beard won?

It's always Tank Abbot.


Are you posting any MMA stuff on Steem? I'd like to get a sub-steemit going for mma/bjj stuff!

I definitely plan on bringing some combat sports coverage over. I'm still tied into a commitment for soccer coverage so I can't post that here (yet), but nothing is stopping me from breaking down the upcoming UFC 202 or talking about the athletes coming out of the olympics and their MMA career outlook, or hell, any other sports for that matter.

That's one of my favorite things about this place. I'm not restricted to only MLS soccer or only the Orlando Magic or only the prelims of a UFC event. Whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want.

I agree. We just need to keep to quality and grow upvotes over time. Your reference to the beard slideshow reminds me of how many people watch reality shows (somewhat guilty with BB) but people who watch honeybooboo and crap like that blows my mind...sheeples

I agree, there must be a "level playing field" for everyone; not simply a homage to established "whales" in the hope they will vote on a post or comment.

Yes, a lot of whale pandering going on. But I think the developers have made a good job in ensuring there is a decentralizing effect that takes place over time all while ensuring people can still gain and feel like promoting the project.
Let's see what Steemit looks like in 30 more days. I'm sure it will be way better. In a year? Orders of magnitude better.

Louis CK is hilarious.

The king of kings!

The big issue I'm seeing right now is very few people with any steem power even look at posts unless they are either by new well know people or already on their curation watch lists. This leads to the same people getting upvoted over and over again both by bots and people voting like bots.

That is quite the issue! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I think it's part of growing pains though. Those bots and bot-like voters' relative power will diminish over time and the negative effects of that strategy will be dwarfed by the rest of the internet voting for content (whether that content is on Steemit.com or any other front-end that plugs into the Steem Blockchain)

Multiple this by the fact that Steem's market cap will most likely be way higher by the time there are millions of users and hundreds of sites using Steem. This will convince a bunch of whales to sell some of that big stake.
Growing pains! (:
When in doubt? Downvote! d:

Boobs are a very scarce ressource, they have value for sure.

Scarce? You know there's porn on the internet, right?

I think Virtual Reality will quence more than a couple thirsts pretty soon...
(unless your old)

good stuff

Interesting parallel with Bitcoin! It's encouraging for the future.

Amen brother! Cream always rises to the top. Just need to give the coffee a good stir and give it time to settle. Upvoted and followed dude.
P.S. You think ten bucks to join up is good? Wait til you see how much we get paid to leave!

Dial phones are the best! I actually enjoyed using my finger to dial those zero's!

He has a point about patience, a lot of people miss that one out whilst blogging on steem.
It's not jsut about original content, good pictures and markdown.
You have to take time to get people to know you, wether for the good or the bad...

Patience, the new $