RE: Plagiarism and the content I want to publish on my Account

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Plagiarism and the content I want to publish on my Account

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Give it a try. But in general comment tend to be very limited in their scope. Also all posts get many more votes than views, which suggests that the majority of votes are derived from the headline and lead picture, and that the majority of people do not read posts at all. In general people vote on reputation score, pretty picture, simple headline. Bot votes go to posts with a high reputation, high account balance. This suggests a valid strategy is a good public domain picture and a snappy headline, with a public domain text, such as poem, thrown in. Just be sure to reference sources, then it becomes research rather than plagiarism.

Hmm. Actually I think I will try that myself. Also remember you can post in German. Useful a bilingual headline.

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Thank you very much for your comment. I will use your tips and I hope you will be a part of my community. I hope that I can grab some users so we can discuss different themes. Do you think that it's useful to post the same article in German, too?

Yes post in German too. I just published a public domain short post, as I am curious to see if the concept generates any votes. One picture, one poem, some humour.