in steemit •  7 years ago 

Hey everyone, This was an amazing week on our contest, better than last week, every week we are just hitting higher numbers at an exponential rate, but that is not what this post is about. This post is about keeping the peace and that is what I intend to do.

As the regulars know one needs to tag a friend (mate) in this contest as an entry, to date this has always been an exceptionally great way to get new folks on board for the fun it markets itself and has never been an issue, until our most recent contest 'Episode 8' for all the 'drama' and to get up to speed please check this post https://steemit.com/contest/@craigcryptoking/take-one-for-the-team-and-tag-a-mate-contest-10-sbd-giveaway-round-8

Now it never crossed my mind that tagging people that potentially did not want to be tagged could be irritating and I would firstly just like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere apologies to those offended and irritated by this competition and the tag, those were NOT my intentions.

This competition is growing at an ALARMING RATE and naturally as more people get involved more 'tags' will get issued. I would like to initiate means in order to prevent people who have no intention of playing or participating in this contest from been tagged. We need to prevent the irritation and perceived 'Spam Factor' on this contest to ensure it's longevity at all costs. In order for this to happen I would need your input as to how we can better achieve that?

What I plan to do for the next contest is to add the names of folks who are not keen to be tagged or participate and continue to adding to that list, as well as adding an addendum for participants to be sure to only tag people who are friends and who would be interested in competing.

This tournament doesn't bring in anywhere near what I award in prizes so in order for me to carry on running this I will need to implement a few rules as above to prevent getting downvoted of flagged, because if that were to happen sadly it would be the end.

Please can my regular contestants kindly comment below as to why you enjoy this tourney, why it adds value to you as well as the Steemit community and your suggestions as to how we can add to the intrigue and excitement without offending others??

To everyone that has previously been tagged and annoyed, please accept my humblest of apologies, your insights as to how we can further prevent this would be much appreciated too!


Thanks a ton and take it easy.

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As a big winner recently, there is certainly the appeal in the prizes. But our recent visitor said it something like "greedily commenting for prizes".... Honestly I guess there is some of that. When it gets close to the prize there is an adrenaline rush and a feeding frenzy of sorts. I dont know. Had it been a real problem??

I know the banter and pokes and follow up comments has been fun. It is real interaction. More real than I see on some blogs and posts.

My suggestion would be to maybe shorten it. Not so much because of "blockchain spam", but because my phone and laptop both get pretty slow and buggy once the number tops 150 comments. I think this maybe why some forums limit the replies per page at 25 or 50.

How does shortening it affect the Alexa ratings?? I havent the foggiest.

If you shorten it... Would you try your idea of two per week? Could you do them at opposite start times? One AM for you and one late PM?

Hope it all sorts itself out!

Huge thanks for doing it thus far!! Peace brother!

Hey bud, now thats a cool suggestion.. I think I aught to try that.. I am actually rather excited about that. The only drawback will be for contestants I can shorten it but my current affordability is literally 10 SBD a week and even that is too much for me at the moment but do it I shall, so based on your suggestion what if I run two 'shortened versions' next week but both will be 5 SBD in total prizes and as my affordability goes up increase as I have been ? The total for both will still be 10 SBD !

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is worth a try. And I'll throw a couple upvotes at you through my curation account (h-h). That will give you a bit more sbd once the vote matures.

Thanks my brother I really appreciate that.. Ill try it this coming week and see how it pans out.. what about one on Wednesday and one on Friday?

Sounds good to me! A nice mix for office slackers and weekend warriors!

Hey brother...
I've been thinking about how to solve the "potential" problem that could arise from indiscriminate tagging - without much success. I personally don't think it is a big deal but it could definitely become a concern for witnesses if more people were to follow this model. I see a couple good suggestions here as well as in the other TAM contest threads, and i'm sure any combination of them will help you to improve the competition overall.

My only addition would be to maybe require the tagged person to interact in order for whoever tagged them to win whatever prize - regardless of their participation in the contest, whoever receives the tag has to acknowledge receiving it - also so the 'tagger" can advance to the next number. This could eliminate the indiscriminate aspect of things, however it adds a layer of complexity (or two) that may deter some from participating at all. No easy answers for this one unfortunately.

I was introduced to the competition through someone tagging me, granted I've had previous interactions with him before, but I think it's that "random" dynamic that makes what your doing work. Interactions between strangers should be promoted rather than discouraged - especially here. You have my support however you decide to proceed.

Srry - I haven't been spending too much time here lately - I'm in the process of wrapping up a couple big jobs and I've been investing a lot of my available time into Lunyr and Synereo Wildspark (other platforms).

Thanks a mil for this bud. As one of the other chaps said if we overcomplicate it, it will lose its appeal and that is the last thing i want. I am going to try this week and maybe next week as per @em3 s suggestion to do two smaller ones so it will be 2 x 5SBD contests, same prize in two contest just shortened so the top prize will be say comment 170 and not 270 as to avoid massive volumes of comments and a while for the page to load ( I dont want to do this as i am loving the million views and comments) but feel almost forced to so lets try that and see how it goes for a start? Also i plan to put in a previsor for contestants to only tag friends they know and love and thirdly to please not tag this that and the next person as they have expressed their desires as such. Will you pop in This Wed and then ill run another Friday I think? Tell me about Lunyr and Synereo ? Similar to Steemit? Thanks for popping in brother!! Cheer$;)

Another option is for the "tagger" to give a reason why they tagged the person in their comment:
Example would be - I am tagging @whoever because in their last post about XXX, they said XXX and I disagree/agree for XXX reasons...

I just signed up for Lunyr it seems exceptionally formal? I don't see a Wildspark signup page please send me the url or ref code bud, Thanks brother. I really do like Steemit though but will check out Wildspark too I am not sure Lunyr will work for me you are way more factual than me ;)

Lunyr is a really cool platform - Wikipedia killer IMO. I've been involved since the closed alpha testing and I love everything about it. There are a lot of problems right now but the devs are steadily working them out.

Wildspark has been around for a while now but an important update happens tomorrow - where the platform supports text (blogging) in addition to video. Completely different model from Steemit - No whales controlling 95% of the platform. Genuine decentralization where content is "amped" (monetized) based on merit and community preference, rather than "he with the most wins"... I will send you a sign up link when I get home - in my other computer...

ahh that sounds great bud.. I like how wildspark sounds, so also in its infancy. Can one copy ones own posts from here over that side or do you think that would be 'frowned upon'??

I would imagine the preference will be for original content - I anticipate some of the same preventative measures you see here to be implemented there - cheetah bot etc. I'm looking forward to putting out some of my better writing (never saw the point in posting it here basically for free) - the real advantage over Steemit IMO is in the "attention economy" where curators dictate the financial success of any specific content rather than the limited number of large stakeholders.

Wildspark.me to signup...

Craig, to be honest, I too had not really thought about it much until this came up. .... I will provide some braingstorming and thoughts below, but first... why this contest is a "community positive":

This contest, like any other, is drawing people in that would find it fun to win some quick SBD/STEEM. But the interaction (correcting numbers, depending on each other to comment count the numbers upward, etc) grows... especially between anyone that comes back for a second week. It encourages real communication between people... AND MOSTLY.. to be Frank, It is exciting as everything to finally be up to that big number and the thrill of putting in your number and refreshing and looking... oh you have to go down to count up... ahhh the tension! Oh I missed it by seconds!!! So much fun!

Thoughts to improve it...
honestly... it is very hard to know who will appreciate the tag, and who will not. ANd as I found out yesterday, who is even listening (has a notification service running). I know your tag a mate goal is to bring more people in... but like... techslut came by but didn't join... so I probably shouldn't tag her again.... So my list of people that I know would be okay with it is fairly short. How do you feel about a short list that keeps getting recycled?
Funny... the day that witnesses were being tagged one after the other... none.. or one came by. Then on the day that a witness got tagged randomly... Pop... in he came.

Right now you are getting a very global participation... if you change much.. the length(top number) or how fast or slow the contest will go.... then that may change.

One suggestion is to have everyone that participates to make a meaningful comment. BUT when you REQUIRE meaningful comments.. they cease to be meaningful and can just become the spam we want to avoid. Plus... I know for me, and many others, if the requirements of the contest are too complex or lengthy(use a lot of time and effort), then we will end up participating a lot less.
So... I don't know! Not sure any of this helped. Thanks for the contest so far! XD

My brother this took you time and serious thought thank you. I used to have a tourney called the SBD give away the easiest contest on earth. I plan to run it again when the cash flows a little better none the less my idea was always to run easy contests that paid well without stepping on any toes and to date that worked. What I think I will do is maybe just put a 'previsor' in below to tag a friend only and also maybe ask folks to possibly add a little comment as many of you already do as is. My idea is not to complicate things at all because as you say that would certainly make the contest lose its appeal. Thanks again bud appreciate everything you do for this contest and Steemit you are one of the good guys ;) Hopefully @drdave will add a little to this too and we can have our best contest yet next week.

Re the notifications I never get them? Do you? Any idea how to activate ?? I used to use esteem and it had notifications but on a PC not had them in months?

sign up with gina bot. That is how I get mine. On discord...

Yes! I just started using GINA for my @healthy-home account notifications

Well, a lot has already been said.
If you add a list of people not to tag - make sure you don't add the @ to their names - or they are tagged :)
I like to say to only tag people you interact with often and would appreciate the tag - otherwise it becomes annoying.
the length is a problem - but also allows many people to participate. I have no answer.
Finally, I really think you need to only spend what you make..... I hate to see you giving away 10 SBD on a post which makes you 43 cents. It makes my skin crawl....

LOL ye ill be sure to leave the @ out imagine the outcry ;) I do feel that this contest will pay off in time marianne and I gladly give it away knowing how happy it makes folks and they have expressed this time and again the 'adrenalin rush' we often hear of, and more. Thanks so much for your insights and support as usual it really means alot to me my friend x

I won some sbds in the last "tag a mate" contest, as the 1st commenter and it was good. I think a lot of other winners were also happy!
But to prevent further stresss and not to earn a downvote, i would suggest that instead of adding the @ to make it a tag, why not just type in the name without the @ which is the tag sign...although if this is done the aim of the competition will be defeated!
So lets rather tag friends we know, and not people we dont know, cos no friend will get angry when he/she is tagged by a friend.

Thanks for your insights and suggestions @frankabelle this was the original idea as per the name of the tourney 'Tag A Mate' I was thinking of removing the tag but as you say that would defeat the purpose of the tourney.

It's understandable that someone would find being tagged annoying. I would suggest those people - because they're using a tool to get notifications - simply add "tag a mate" to their blacklist, but that isn't fair to them either, because why should they have to go to extra effort for a contest in which they are not participating? I'm no expert on the developer end, so as far as I can tell you should just add a list of names who don't wish to be tagged, and perhaps disqualify anyone who tags any of those names. That would complicate things for you and for those of us who keep track of the entries while the contest is ongoing, but it would hopefully achieve the goal of keeping the peace, which is ultimately more important than this contest. #mytwocents

I apologize again for tagging the Witness and anyone else who was displeased at my doing so, and will not do so again.

Thanks so for this and agreed. I think if anything what they realized from the initial 'visit' to the contest was what a great bunch of folks you all are, possibly and hopefully you even managed to change their first negative opinion of the contest to a positive one ;)

Honestly, my first comment there was an apology. I meant it and still do. The long reply to that apology gave me pause, because I hoped it would have been left at that - apology accepted. So yes, I was defensive, and I didn't take shit from Mikhael Gorbachev or Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa when I met them - I'm not about to from anyone else on this planet.
I think it could have been handled better by both of us if we had taken a bit more time to see each other's points of view.

Ye you have a point but I do feel that in the end it all turned out pretty well, what that means for future contests time only shall tell, but I think if we do tweak it a little in future as not to 'offend others' we will be golden ;) PS: look at you mixing with the stars ;)

I worked at the Forum in LA for several years, and I was a consultant for a CEO who did a lot of business in the FSU and Middle East from the late '70s to the early '00s. Doesn't really mean anything. They're just people. Though I will say that Dan Ackroyd was the biggest dick I ever met and Magic Johnson was probably the nicest famous person I ever met.

Ye I guess we are similar like that. I regularly walk into Ferrari Lambo Dealerships and ask them to take pics sit in cars etc as per a few of my reviews here I feel feathers and why should I maybe two years from now I can go buy one, they never know. I am also friends with a few well known RSA celebs as you say they are just people, treat everyone as you wish to be treated I guess, peace and love always!

I will just advice everyone to tag someone that they do relate well with. Not just some random person you have not even chat with for once or someone you now little about or a person you chatted once or twice with. Tag a person that you do chat with always. He or she will count it fun from a friend. I do get notifications too and when I am not busy, I interact with any message I got of anything it may be.

I love that idea lets do that too .. ONLY TAG FOLKS you interact with regularly and whom will appreciate the shout out.. Great plan..

:-) why you tag me ? I can not help you. :-) I love your games, and have not any problem with it. x

I've had a lot of fun! And the people on here are really nice. They are very competitive too. It is just a lot of fun.

Hope you keep doing them.
Big smiles!!


Thanks a mil for your input, it is really great to have you there..

How do you see you are tagged? I do not see that anywhere, maybe no one tags me ever hahaah :-)

Alo darlin .. ye me too .. some folks have an app installed though I don't ;)

I do not know any app for that :-)

yip read above marianne told us its called gina bot ;)

I will have a look for that one.

i love it !

Did you sign up ? Maybe I should too ?

This post has received gratitude of 2.80 % from @appreciator thanks to: @craigcryptoking.
