Your Steemit College Level Education Course, eighteen seconds of hints and tips ; how to get noticed and how to get read !!!

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Ok a really FAST , people come to Steemit to be wowed , informed , amazed and entertained.


You must have a positive upbeat catchy respectful title to get opened !!! You get five paragraphs with pictures and 99 words to sell your message and reinforce your information , your reader must feel their visit was worthwhile.


You need follows to network with , if your new you need to be following at least 50 people especially around your own reputation score. As you get better these others will become your peers and you will make an name for yourself in front of them.


The most important social rules on Steemit , be respectful , be nice , be helpful and do not be a dick ; jerks get into slanging word fights and flame wars. Stay away from silliness and controversy that has no good purpose ; always think " what would others think of my involvement " , YOU are your OWN BRAND ; your image is everything ! ! !


Vote often and vote heavily , get noticed ! ! ! The platform has voting rules but generally just follow and vote what you like. Your limited in some ways [ Your MAXIMUM is just 4 Blog POSTS per DAY ] ! ! ! ( But you can post unlimited comments to improve other peoples posts) . Craft knowledgeable fun informative upbeat posts , networking is all about attitude , respect and helping others . . .


Find your niche where you love the topics and start building your brand name so others get to know your mission and your quality , then find talented people and follow their examples. Remember if you copy anyone else's work you will be BOTTED ! Robots live herein and they destroy humans for plagiarism; so be warned...


The end ; 99 words and five paragraphs , NAILED IT ; )

Who are you networked with : )

I just found this so I wanted to link it in as extra quality from @sauravrungta ! ! !

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I know right now we get 40 votes a day. The first thing I do it check the posts of everyone who follows me and try to upvote at least one of their posts. My thought is if they are posting good stuff and I can encourage them, then I will. Then I look at my feed and check out anyone who does not follow me, but I follow. Again I like the quality stuff. Finally I hit the under-40 (in reputation) crowd trying to help them out. I was just there a week ago and know the difference between 4 votes and 10 votes has an impact.

Thank you for your helpful words ! ! !

I should have mentioned I also peruse the posts of the participants in the steemprentice chatroom, minnowsunite, steemsquad and the Curie Project lists too.

Well geez , if you have time to do all that ; maybe you can become the educator of my Steemit College Level Education Course ; since I do not seem to have that much spare time ; )

It is not like anyone else could be worse than me as an educator : )
[ what would I know ] . . .

I have 3 people I follow. Will my steemit experience really change that much if I am following 50?

With a reputation of 47 which you have somehow someone has noticed you and upvoted your posts. For the new Steemian who has no clue how the platform works with a Reputation of 25 how many people are going to repeatedly post on that persons different posts over time.

Some people can make money from 9 votes and others cannot make anything for 25 votes. Unless new people make connections Steemit runs the risk of losing potentially quality presenters. Obviously if a serious presenter knows how Social Media works arrives they may not need a lot of followers ; then there is the rest of the entire world who must learn : )

Okay, obviously if I have followers, then that helps. What does it matter if I follow more people myself I guess is the question. Is it just that people are noticing that I help them and they help me in return?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I use my votes for set purposes, 1) to upvote myself , 2) to vote for stuff that i feel is quality or helps make a difference , 3) to acknowledge other users.

Never do I just exchange votes or just upvote specific people, but rather I am human I can only look at 25 or 50 posts per day. Since Steemit gets thousands of posts per day , I feed within my feed. This means I simply follow people I think I might like and always look at their content first.

Thus my follows become my regular content and my regular network before I adventure into the limitless of unknown other new posts each day. This way I limit some of my content to quality people and then I start shopping for new outside my feed talent.

To get noticed in Steemit you need 1) TALENT, 2) QUALITY, 3) a NAME brand = yourself. This is my aim ; to upmarket myself slowly over time , I expect people will have me in their feed or drop me since not everyone loves everyone else . . .

But over time hopefully I will become a known quality within my own tiny little niche on Steemit !! !! !!

If that makes any sense ; )

Further if I might clarify , voting blocks are worthless ; there is no gold in curating really and people need a lot of minnow baby votes to earn gold here. I am voting to acknowledge and encourage others , always ; firstly within my feed as a networking principle. That is why Social Media is about , connecting : )

Very insightful. Though I'd say that having a large following already before using Steemit is the quickest way to growth. Interaction is definitely a necessity if you aren't already somewhat well known.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well not sure how someone would already have a huge following before Steemit. Of course there are three types of people herein. Those professionals who brought an outside audience with them to steemit , these are usually semi-professional writers and artists who are simply amazingly skilled : )

Then you have the people who just tried anything to make some fast bucks ; then you have people like me who could not spell my own name 3 months ago almost who is trying to learn to write.

This is a fun journey of self discovery and a far better procrastination tool than others I have utilized ; since you were so lovely to reply I must try and plug my 300 second a day exercise program for the fat , lazy procrastinator . .

I call this in-doorway exercise bar " The Dangler Of Effort ! ! ! " ; )


I am trying to get the world fit again so apologies for the oversharing of this link ; )

Wow look at you go with the pictures, looking good and some helpful tips there thank you

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you ; ) I have some new ideas coming up...

You do of course understand that I have absolutely no clue about whatever I am doing here; right ; )

Your doing a good job. a little hint if you want to center your pics use

before the link then straight after no gaps type

Would you make a post about how to do those things exactly please : )
I tried putting in extra spaces but the system seems to delete the extra formatting or whatever...

And ; who could resist a pretty lady showing how to RESIZE images ; )

thank you ! ! !

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I know very little hun it's just what I've been advised to do. I always center my posts no. If you want to make your print bold ** before and after or italics * that's all I use at the minute