The other day I blogged about my negative experience with Ebay.
My account was indefinitely been suspended. I called eBay support
and was told that they were not going to re-instate my account because they
have found that there was something in my account the they have found to be
a danger to the eBay community. After pleading with the support person to
give me a specific reason for my suspension, I was told that i am not eligible to
re-instate my account.
Today I just thought that I'd give support a try again because I felt that the
person who responded to my support call last night was reading from as script.
My gut was right... today my experience with eBay support was a total 180.
I was asked questions to verify my identity and once I passed my account was re-instated.
just goes to show that it pays to be persistent... never give up on first failure.