It can be tough to get views; however by joining debates like this, and engaging in content that genuinely interests you, will do so much more than spamming.
That's what I want people to see, that spamming is the equivalent of finding your self in a hole and getting a great big shovel and digging deeper as fast as you can, and then wondering why you're in a hole.
Spamming gets you flagged, flagging wipes out profits ergo;
spamming = flags
and of course
n flags = ghosted account
The way to beat the formula is to not spam, no spam = no flags
no flags = visible account = a chance to be seen.
It won't always be like this, things happen slowly at Steemit, so if you take the view you could have your account for 5, 10 or more years, building up a little slowly at the beginning doesn't seem so bad.