The Incredible Power Of A 'Title' In Steemit Blogging .. !

in steemit •  8 years ago 


Whenever we search anything on the Internet, we get thousands of results. But we don’t read all of them. In fact, we don’t even read a few of them. All we do is to select 2-3 search results and open them, to get our required information. But how do we narrow our search just to 2-3 search posts? Simply by just looking at the title of the post, and if it’s catchy enough, we just open the link and read it wholeheartedly.

The title of the article decides its viewership destiny. The title is the only thing which comes in your first impression whenever you try to search something on the internet. As far as blogging is concerned, a blog post title plays very crucial role determining the number of views on a particular blog/post. People generally don’t have much time to judge your content by reading it all the way, they just decide to read or not to read your post by reading either the Title of your blog post or visit your profile for a general view about your writing style and niche.


When you start your first blog/website, you generally work day and night to create content which can provide some value to your readers. By doing a lot of hard work day and night, you create your first blog post and you publish it hoping a lot of people would come to read your thoughts and information. But to your surprise, you don’t get a single view. Then you try to find the problem in your content or may be in your tags, but the problem lies somewhere else. It’s your post’s TITLE.

You must write some quick and catchy title so that people can’t help themselves but to read your post out of curiosity. Curiosity is a very powerful tool you can use, to make your blog/website a success. You should use people’s curiosity to persuade them reading your posts. All you have to do is,  provide a catchy title along with some useful content and some logical tags in your posts and I am more than sure that people will visit your profile very often. Give them first a reason to visit your blog, then they will always come to learn something from your blog if they find your blog’s content valuable for them.

The World we lives in, always attracts to the show off. The time for soberness has almost gone. If I talk about Steemit, people generally read posts if it provides some useful information to them. Upvoting needs some extra-ordinary content by the way. WHALES are famous because they have popularity and they present their content in flashy way. They show off their skills and some even shows their Monthly Income Statement and that's what attracts a lot of viewers to read their content. 

There's an old saying about all this showoff which goes something like this - "One which shines would get sold first".

So make your title a little bit catchy and provide valuable content to your readers and see your viewership growing to the Moon. 

Thanks for reading.

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The title and a good written story is king!!!

Thanks man @masterthematrix . Indeed the quality content with a strong title can lead a blog to the heights of viewership.

yep title is the king :-)

Yes, Undoubtedly the title holds a great deal of viewership indeed @stefen , Thanks for the upvote though. Great to see another Indian on steemit. Wish you all the success brother.

The main tips to the top. Nice write up.

You're right, title is so important. But it think tags are even more :)

Tags can characterise your blog post but what really pulls viewers eyes are the title of your post and the content you have provided in that post. ANyways I really appreciate your opinion @xxvjs . Tags are also very important.

Curiosity is king...thanks for the tips.

You're so much welcome @connieluebbert .

This post gets a 1.52 % upvote thanks to @cryptonet - Hail Eris !