Looking for Test Subjects... No, I'm Not Kidding

in steemit •  9 years ago 


Since I'm not feeling very motivated to create more serious technical-related Blog posts lately, as they seem to not do well on Steemit apparently, so maybe try to write about more general things. The new Promote feature that was just introduced is still far from being very usable for the regular users as well, so I think I'll try to focus on something else. The latest update brining the Promoted page also removed one very useful feature that I'm sure not a lot of people actually sued, but it was very helpful in finding good content that went unnoticed - the Payout Time page is now gone.

I've been trying to use my voting to help encourage new users that don't get a lot of attention at first when they start using Steemit (and they are posting good content) as well as users that post interesting things that unfortunately largely get unnoticed. Lately I've been voting a bit less in order to let my voting power regenerate a bit, so that my vote will be worth more (it was down to about 30% at some point), but not voting at all on Steemit when you open the New page is really hard to do...

I alone have some trouble making much difference, so that is why I have started playing around by trying to write some bots to support my efforts a while ago. That also got me thinking what else I could try to do, so I figured that maybe there are other people just like me on Steemit, people who actually use their votes not only to get the "big curation rewards", but to make a difference as this is what I believe they should be used for... If you are in for the rewards, then just try posting something, you might have more luck doing that than wasting your voting power curating "the right posts" just for the possible rewards that you may get.

How Can You Help

So what it my idea and why do I need YOU? I'm actually looking for people that spend more time curating articles on Steemit and are not going for just the popular and highly likely to go trending posts. I need good curators that are actually trying to help make Steemit a better place by voting for good posts regardless if they will get a reward for that or not. The focus is not on the rewards, but on the good content and helping people to actually get them encouraged to continue doing what they are apparently doing well already.

If you think that you are one of these people, then just post a comment that you want to get included in the list of curators that will be followed by a dedicated bot. The bot will vote for all of the posts you vote for, so there is nothing more needed from you than to just say you want to participate. You just need to continue looking for and voting for good quality content that generally goes unnoticed by whales or other curators with a lot of voting power.

The bot will not have that much Voting Power initially, something like about 100 SP for the start maybe and if things work out well will try to increase that further. Since this is not about the rewards the voting will most likely not increase the Steem Power of the bot much anyway. The bot is called @robotev and already has more than 81 SP available, it is a new account that I'm still testing some things with playing with the code of the bot, but the idea is to start experimenting with it in real working conditions, so all I need now are some good curators willing to participate.

If you want to join just post a comment and your account will go through a short review process and if it seems suitable you will be added in the author list of the bot and you should soon see that it will start voting for the good posts you vote for. Do note that people might also get removed form that list at some point if they start abusing the fact that the bot will vote for whatever post they vote for!

For people that will ask what is in it for them, the answer is nothing more than the moral satisfaction and the fact that your vote will be making more difference for the people that will get it from now on. Remember, we are not doing this for rewards or to make profit, we are doing it for helping Steemit get better and encourage more people to stay and contribute good quality content instead of getting discouraged and leave.

If you have a question or want to add something, then please leave a comment below.

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Thanks, glad you think that this is worth getting included as a hidden gem :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The bot is already operational, here is an update on the initial list of accepted users that have volunteered: https://steemit.com/robotev/@robotev/quick-update-on-the-first-tests-i-m-about-to-start-soon

Users with newer accounts and not much voting history yet will be considered again for addition in a few days…

Sounds like an interesting idea.

I would like to volunteer.


I am up for it .....

This is a good idea and has some potential. I am interested since this is in line with what I try to do here every day. Let's see if it makes a difference. I would also suggest including some way to add metrics so that the performance of your bot can be tracked.

Metrics will be added at some point, I'm working on that... though it will take some time as I'm new to Python and still figuring out some things. Not a programmer or software developer, just programming a bit for fun and as a hobby.

I while ago I've posted about an idea that if implemented could help curators a lot, so that one might also be a part of the metrics associated with the bot as there was not much interest from devs in implementing it: https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptos/idea-new-tool-that-can-help-curators-on-steemit

That is awesome. I applaud your efforts.

Interested - Good Idea

Why not, I will do it.

I'm in if you like. I don't expect to get paid for curation, so my vote goes to whatever I find interesting.

It´s very interesting your project. I am in my friend and thanks a lot.

Let's try this.