RE: Does Steemit count as commercial usage of content?

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Does Steemit count as commercial usage of content?

in steemit •  7 years ago 

That may be cool too! I hadn't thought of that. On Qurator, you're required to link to the origin of your pictures, and if you can't, you just can't use those pictures. I find it very discouraging and think that it deters content creation, since sometimes I want to write stuff that is based on a specific picture, and if I were unable to do so, my text would serve no purpose.

At the very least, some of them might at least be incentivized to look for the author themselves and give you a heads up.

And yeap! I always try to find the original author of things if I use them and are not old enough to be of free use. However, I won't spend a whole day on it if it's not warranted. It's only a reasonable effort that I'd expect of anyone as a form of respect to authors and content creators.

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Respect to this creator, would mean paying the licensing fee. :-) Linking to the originator avoids Plagiarism, but not Copyright Violation! I hope you understand the difference. Plagiarism is not illegal, but Copyright Infringement is! Using my image and then linking to it does not pay my bills. Copyright last for the life of the photographer + 70 years, by the way. :-)