RE: Steemit + Pornhub = Vice ???

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Steemit + Pornhub = Vice ???

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Well, this "scam" is backed by Penthouse Media, one of, if not, the larget adult media company in the US. So I wouldn't be so quick jumping to conclusions. Do some research first :)

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I apologize, my brain just reacted to the idea, didn't read the whitepaper. But let me ask you a question:

Would you upvote a porn video considering that everyone can see what you like in term of porn videos?

I can understand your reaction :) To answer your question: I would say yes, but my username would definitley not be my real name. I might have to go back to using the TOR browser with a proxy, hahaha!

Well that seems like it would be a pain, if you're into privacy, like me. If this idea will go places, interactions should be anonymous, or at least you should have the option to switch

With a blockchain, everything will be saved permanently, so you better be careful with not letting anyone know your account name ;) This is also one of my concerns about using a blockchain to award users to view or upload porn, but I bet this is something that the developers are aware of. (I have not read the whitepaper, so this concern might of course be useless if they have addressed it).