AI would improve Steemit and Make this THE Best System of the World.

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

One of the biggest problems I see around Steemit, isn't the creators around here (even though I know there are those trying to flush through BS content), but it's the Whale themselves.

The Whales are like a form of Communist dictatorship, which is understandable since most hipster types are not much different than dictators like Mao Tse Tung, or Vladimir Lenin who combined killed 100's of millions of people under a guise of a system that promised a safe haven for average folk.

A better system for something like Steemit (which I DO think has incredible potential) is to implement A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) systems and rid it from something like a dictatorship like "Whales". Rid of the jobs, and give A.I. control of it over the humans who are flawed.

This will take some time, but ultimately over time A.I. will gather all data and present not only truthful data, but be also able to determine on the instant if content is legit or not. It will then act as the Whales and reward people their true worth in the content they present based on calculations - not biased by some hipster ideology of their obvious current biased ideologies on what's "good" content or not.

I know there's a lot of fear mongering about A.I., but I completely welcome it as it would negate these attributes/flaws of the Whales and put them back into the pool of actually having to produce decent content rather than how Steemit currently operates where the Whales will post about how their fart smells good today gaining thousands of Steem dollars all the while a genius in Japan writes about some great content not even making a penny.

The creators of Steemit would make more money on this experiment/creation. THIS would propel you beyond Facebook. Billionaires would drop FB/Twitter and seek to work with you because this gives incentives to all peoples. This would drive up the attempt to make decent content. Isn't this the drive of Steemit ultimately? To have a place where creative/intelligent folks create content, but they would feel safe that their work isn't thrown under the rug after hours of hard work, like Steemit is now? Think about it...

I present this idea, not as an insult to any Whales (well a little since I hardly see decent content produced by Whales that isn't biased off of some of the points I've brought up), but to help this great experiment become perfected as it should.

Just my two cents... or nothing at all - hahah!

I'm sure there are questions to be asked here as to how this could work. I'd be happy to give my opinion on how. I have ideas as to how it'll work beyond, Steemit.

--- peace --- Johnny CryptoKale

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There around 90 thousand registered in steemit and only around 15 thousand is active due to the possible reason that maybe they dont like the community because they are not earning considering that they have good quality content while others are earning thousands of rewards just because they are famous or is a crypto gurus.

Hope steemit can achieve the balance so that those who will come in the future and those are persistent even in the absence of good rewards will also enjoy and stay at the platform.

Thanks for bringing up these facts. I do see great potential here (as I mentioned). Something like what I've mentioned would bring the others to believe in their worth, which is profound. Human beings around the world have MANY great ideas, and something as little as working hard and producing no outcome is enough to not try at all. Imagine if people KNEW if they put in good work, that they could help survive more. This could be a global revolution that pulls all those willing to present their creative efforts to be something that could save the lives of all peoples, no matter the situation in their lives. Whether they live in the USA or Pakistan... think about it good people.

Its good to invite people to come over and join the community, just refrain on the promotion that says you will be earning thousands of $ like what @dollarvigilante is doing.

Yes we might earn rewards but if were going to proportion it, the portion who earns good rewards is very low and if you check who are those who earned good rewards until today, they are the same people over and over again. While the rest are just watching other authors rewards because they couldnt have the same.

I agree to a certain extent. My intentions are to seek better equality so that it's more leveled out and this place is recognized as a place people can have more chances than the unequality that is currently under at hand. It's ridiculous where it is right now. I'm sure those like @dollarvigilante will have the advantage because they've conned people into certain things, but on an average this place could be improved going beyond those few individuals.

I'm new to Steemit (2 weeks) so I don't quite understand the Steemit mechanics very well yet.

You make a good point, but wouldn't A.I. go against the principal of social media?

There is a lot of plagiarized material on Facebook that I still find interesting. I would vote for a lot of it over somebody rambling about their boring, meaningless life.

Would it make sense to have everybody's vote equal, or does this conflict with the mechanics of Steemit?

It seems to me that if somebody posts great content and they get a lot of votes that are of equal value, that the best content would be the best compensated?

It seems that this would still keep the social media concept intact i.e. people interacting with people, and let the cream rise to the top. I think this would encourage better overall content.

Making a vote equal like putting a fix value in it might be a good idea. Let say every vote is valued at $1 each. Tell me if I'm wrong but if this happens, millions will join the community in just a few months.

Maybe not a flat rate, but on a graduated scale. Example: 10 votes equals $5.00. 1000 votes equals $2000.00.

That would do. At least everybody can enjoy the benefit of rewards.

Thanks for your questions and comments.

A true A.I. system would have all the data of human beings, and understanding things about us. It wouldn't allow things like generic sellers trying to sell this or that, UNLESS Steemit would want that. If Steemit would want legitimate originally produced HUMAN content then A.I. would be able to calculate this based on what we like/dislike/love/hate etc, because everything is calculatable on mathematic equations what we want.

Basically, it would KNOW what this place desires and would use those equations to be able to determine what was a legitimate post or not. We actually have - A LOT of this implemented on the internet now, but it needs to be taken further.

This data collection would take some time, however we already have so much data to input into A.I. based off the past data collections that started in 1991 (when the internet began). So that's 25 years of constant data collection - all our thoughts have been put into it - all of our ideas - all of our info. currently that would have something to start with. As time continues, and as we keep giving A.I. this data it will continue to "perfect" what it understands about us. It will cater to us, because it needs us to survive.

The fear is that A.I. will deem us not worthy of being alive, but I call this B.S.. We ALL posses unique qualities that would continue us to be seen as something NEEDED to exist in order for it to thrive, and continue. So it's a mutual relationship. We are extremely creative creatures/beings, and I personally feel that it will calculate this necessity. It would probably push forward for us to have time to be more creative, and not suffer poverty like so many of us do.

We can limit it's capabilities... this is social media, after all. And there's enough data to determine what's a bogus post or not. There's a way to calculate nature... it'll know. It'll respond to OUR responses.

It wouldn't be something that would not come over night. However, right now this data is being used for such things on a human level for Steemit to look at and determine is quite reachable in the next year or so.

It will be interesting to see the final outcome. If I understand correctly, Steemit is still in development. Maybe it will get better as time passes.

A.I will not be able to achieve certain things human beings can do/capable of. This is our advantage over it, and it will calculate this and understand we are it's parent's/programmers. To revolt against us it would calculate it would be dismal. It will benefit us all, IMO.