Emotional Labor, Barack Obama, and Password Security

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Encryption is generally about increasing the amount of time it would take an adversary to access some specific information. The point being that human beings aren't expected to keep information a secret forever, but merely to keep it secret long enough that it doesn't jeopardize the reason it is being kept secret.

So if you are talking about something classified, the human beings who have the burden of keeping their knowledge secret are psychologically tasked with a 24/7 365 job, which costs in terms of "emotional labor", which usually isn't even calculated in the market. They must keep the information secret long enough to protect the operations, and the parties involved, or the national interest, or national security.

A President such as Barack Obama must keep the nations secrets. This means the thoughts inside his head are classified. This means the burden is his to carry, and in some cases his alone. The salary of a President also isn't very high, it's less than $200,00 a year, yet the nature of the job is also under emphasized. Why would anyone ever want to be President of the United States or of any nation?

The conclusion of all of this? No sane person should want a security clearance thinking it's cool to have that kind of responsibility. No sane person should want to have to manage private keys, whether for a Bitcoin wallet, or whatever, because there is a definite psychological cost to doing so and that psychological cost matters.

If we are talking about Bitcoin, that psychological cost could be one of the reasons Bitcoin isn't going to be popular. If we are talking about SAFE Network it's again a situation where the psychological burden for most people is too heavy to be worth whatever privacy benefit they get. It's also something Steemit is going to have to manage which is that the user experience has to take precedent over other aspects. You can make it secure but there comes a point of diminishing returns, where the information being kept secure is no longer worth the burden to the average person.

For this reason, experts and professional companies exist to manage private keys and other exceptionally hard to secure information. In my humble opinion it is important for Steemit to focus on lowering psychological expenses, such as hidden emotional labor. This includes having to remember passwords, dealing with private keys, but also associations with brand buzzwords which have negative connotations like "Bitcoin" when words like "digital currency" can be used instead.

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I agree with everything you have said. The first group of people to find a way to make managing private keys easy and secure are going to be those who find them selves with a massive group of people willing to use their product. The technical hurdles to safely using digital currencies are a large reason why your average person just wouldn't do it. These systems are quite complicated, even for those of us who have been around them for years. For someone who hasn't the task of using them is actually quite daunting.

Honestly, screw the American government. They purposely created many problems in the world, resulting in deaths. America is a country run by animals driven by money and power.

Great point about the emotional labor involved in being involved here! I wonder if there is a good reason to keep the steemit population low while in beta. Maybe once they decide to fully release, the first thing we'll all see is an easier UI for signing up and doing other things here.

Also, I believe US presidents get $400K a year now. :-)

I don't think we should keep the population low but I do think we should look for emotional burdens and use tricks to lower them. For example, no user should be required to manage "private keys" or even need to know what a "private key" is. It should just fkn working. Advanced functionality should be available for people who know, but default should be simple.

And $400,000 is still not much. Presidents should be paid millions per year considering inflation and other reasons, as well as an increase in the burden of the job compared to 100 years ago.

Im sure BO has other finacial gains stashed away somewhere...they all end up being billionaires.

I agree wholeheartedly,I only have 25 SP,but still I worry about being hacked!
I want some kind of gadget that verifies that I am me,for instance by biometric sensors. And with a password as well,but it would not need to be hard,just so it needs my conscious involvement to make a transaction(My identity can not be verified by others with the gadget while I´m sleeping!). This gadget could be used in multiple situations where passwords and encryption is needed.

Smart cards and eID do exactly that.

There are the psychological expenses you mentioned, but there is also another very big one. How do I get paid for all the SBD and SP I have accumulated. No big deal for those well versed in crypto currency and bitcoin. But a major problem to say my 70 year old Mom.

Mom doesn't want to keep private keys or have two or three exchange accounts to convert Steem to bitcoin to dollars. But she likes Starbucks. Give her a choice to blog for a free Starbucks gift card or bitcoin ("isn't that what the drug dealers use?" her quote not mine) and she will go for the Starbucks.