I only made 1 dollar on Steemit Today ....

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I only made 1 dollar on Steemit Today ....
What's the point then ? If you are asking this question you need to change your way of looking at things. You didn't make 1 dollar, you made the equivalent of 0.8981 Steem. Let's round it off to 0.9 for ease of sake. So what is the difference ?


The difference is huge really. Why don't you ask the guy who bought 2 pizzas in 2010 for 10 000 BItcoins. In today's value of bitcoin that's 74 million USD, or 32 million USD per pizza. My stomach hurts just thinking about it.

So if you ask me why do I continue making posts if I might only get 1 Steem per post. Well because I am not thinking of its value based on the current exchange value in USD. I am thinking of its value a few years down the road.


So let's say that Steem will have the same market cap as Facebook has today but we will reach it in 2030.
The current market cap of Facebook is around 500 000 000 000 ( 500 billion). In 2030 we should have around 600 000 000 Steem coins in circulating supply. So if you divide 500 billion with 600 million coins you get a value of 833 USD/Steem coin in 2030.


So in other words if I wait to 2030 I didn't make 1 USD on my post today I made 833 USD. Now that sounds a lot better don't you think ?

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Exellent explanation and perfect steem design ...tip! 0.1

Thank you my friend ! Lets hold on to our Steem

This is right deciosion

That's why I keep writing my posts, very good explanation, never give up

Thank you :) keep Steeming :)

A great thought, to organize a better future. I really agree with what you explain in this post.

Lets keep optimistic :)

Great attitude!! This is so true - we're going to the moon with steem!

New follower here!

lots of love
💜 @princessmewmew

The direction of Steem and Steemit is all dependent on us . So the more optimism the better :)

Even if it stayed the same value, we should continue to use it to avoid/decrease use of centralized social media platforms like Facebook who spy on us, sell/giveaway our information to advertisers and govt.

I agree with you a 100 percent. The money is a bonus

Yes, kinda like a reward for loyalty to the platform.


That sure sounds damn good, @dandesign86 ! Calms the mind :D...
I have never understood money calculations. But the way you explain is good and makes me happy :)

I'm not good at math but it should make sense hehe

Thanks for the article, it really changed my perspective.

Now I have more motivation to continue creating more stories :)

Hehe that's what I wanted to hear 👂

I love your way of thinking and explanations, and when you think of it that way WOW, we could be sitting on a next egg thats looks small now but one day you never know

I'm no rain man that is for sure. But
If I did get the math right, which I think I did, it's just a matter of the numbers working out. I honestly see a big possibility for it happening. That means you can get your cabin by 2030 ;) hehe

Yes I do see it as a good possibility, even sooner would be nicer, 2030 I turn 90 may not appreciate it so much by then LOL

but I also like to look at the bright side and perhaps it could be nice for our kids and grandkids to have :)

If in 2020 will be 83,3 you'll still be good. 80 years is not too bad.

Ohh yes any age would be good to be honest 😎👍😎

Things can happen more quickly hehe

Indeed, we will just have to be patient and wait and see ;)

I really agree so we have to rise, never give up must be higher, the best quality, thank you,

Thank you !

It's good to see you try to enlighten some new folks here. Good job.

Thank you Oldtimer ! Sticking with Steemit I think can be a very wise choice :)

Even if this would never happen, honestly, where do you earn 1 Dollar, or even 10 cents just for writing a post?

And even if STEEM only will reach 10 % of the market cap Facebook did, that's still 83 Dollar a day, which equals 2.500 Dollar a month. That's way more than I earned in any job I ever worked.

This is the way that I'm viewing Steemit, not by the gross amount that Steem may be worth in the future, but by it's potential income value for retirement and income security. I currently receive a check for about $800 each month from a former employer as part of my current income, but that check will not always be there because it is set to end when I reach retirement age. When I realized the potential of Steemit I understood that there was the possibility to replace that income in the future if I became established here and learned how to help others while at the same time helping myself.

So my beginning goal was to learn how to reliably and consistently earn $2/day worth of Steem on Steemit. If I did that I could average about $60/ month now, but when Steem reached a totally reasonable value of $10/Steem then that $60 would equal $600, which would then be available to supplement my income in the future. So if I work here on Steemit for the next 5 years and average $2/ day in Steem earned, which is currently valued at <$1, then when it reaches a value of >$10 by 2022 I will have at least five years worth of supplemental income @ around $600/month available to me.

Of course there are a lot of variables and you can't tell what the future may hold, but this is way better than wasting my time on other social media sites and having no income produced at all. Besides, I like the people here and I have learned a lot of interesting things by interacting with these highly intelligent folks that I find here on Steemit. After all, most of those that are already here are way ahead of those that are still floundering around on those sites where they are being exploited for the value that they hold in their ability to simply comment, post and interact with the ad content. So they must obviously be a lot smarter than a large portion of the population.

How cool is it that I can esteem you and give you something in return for the time that you spend with me and for all of the things that you share with me on Steemit? I sincerely value those who interact with me here, I may only be able to show that value in a seemingly small way monetarily, but I can't do that at all on other sites, over there it's just with words of gratitude which I can also do here plus so much more. This is way better, waaay better! 😎

I think your plan is awesome and I am sure it is attainable. Either way like you say there is so much more than just the money here on Steemit.

You can connect with anyone over the world. You can add into any discussion you want. In a way it's like being able to travel the world through your Steemit account.

On another note, hearing your plan I would advice to also allocate some funds to some other altcoisn to spread the risk a bit. But I am sure you already have that covered

Yes I do Dan, but not nearly enough. I'm looking around here now to see what I can sell, cash in or dig up to rake up some more capital for investments. I have this feeling that some major shifts will take place following the Bitcoin fork and that a few of the Alt-Coins are going to see movement toward mass adoption. But which ones? Even if I knew for sure what the answer to that question is, I could never raise enough money to invest to be completely satisfied, so it will just be what I have going into what I think, and that will have to do. 😎

You are right. Even At this point Steem will be a force to reckon with ! I think the next time we head in a northerly direction we might get an all time high . Let's hope so :)

I am thinking of its value a few years down the road.

Whew @dandesign86! I thought you had jumped on that whine train….lol…

This is an excellent post for stirring inspiration to just keep Steemin’ On…

Btw, the last picture of the Steemit logo makes me wonder why you weren’t on the design committee for the new logo. I’m still befuddled by the thought behind the most recent one.

Perhaps, if we'll just keep using the classic logo, the developers will eventually bring back that beautiful ocean blue.

Again, thanks for this post!

if I wait to 2030 I didn't make 1 USD on my post today I made 833 USD.

Faith and perspective go a long way for success!


Hehe so the header made you a bit worried ? Haha no worries I am a solid supporter:)

The new logo is not my favorite for sure... Someone made a funny posts where they compared it to Donald trumps hair hehe

Someone made a funny post

@steemetri made a literal lol post comparing it to toothpaste. ✌

I certainly see it the same way, an investment into the future! And it needn't be such a big market cap, something in between will also do ;)

You are absolutely right my friend ! Also we will have a lot of time to earn more Steem till 2030 haha

I'm liking these numbers!

Hehe look pretty good don't they ?

a lot prettier than currently,yes!

I think if we would only go forward with Steemit then Steem might not get higher very quickly. But when SMTs will be launched from left to right we are going to see a rise similar to that of what is happening with bitcoin cash

Fingers crossed for that! I'm with you!

Very good way of thinking about it. Thanks for sharing

My pleasure thanks for stopping by !

Never give up!

I agree 加油 Steemit !