Transperancy is Reciprocal Why are we more honest with strangers (Steemit) than with those whom we know (facebook)

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Good day my fellow steemies. Yesterday I was watching a video titled "Introduction to steemit"

In this video the speaker (whom I later found out was Clain) mentioned something very thought provoking. He said:

"when you go to facebook you will find a lot of 'suface stuff'" as opposed to steemit where you will find a lot of "'honest stuff'"

This statement brought up a thought I had somewhere in my subconscious to my conscious...which then inspired me to write this. In this post we will examine the 2 main reasons as to why  I and many others can express ourselves more freely, explicitly and honestly on steemit than on facebook. We will then examine why this fearlessness of pouring ourselves out onto the keyboard will affect, not just steemers but also those who have never heard of steemit before in their lives.


Why is it that a when a person sits in front of a phycyatrist, who is a complete stranger they are willing to tell them their deepest secrets, thoughts ideas etc? Things that they will never ever tell mom, dad wife or husband? IT is because they are not afraid to speak...why? Because they have the comfort of knowing that this person will not judge them. In the same way...facebook is filled with people whom we know...relatives, friends, acquaintances and work mates. When we post something on facebook or Instagram there is this hidden fear we may not even have been aware of that prevents us from expressing how we truly feel on a matter because we want to avoid offending someone we know. Not for steemit....Despite Steemits transparency ....most of us here on steemit don't really know each other, and so we are not afraid of posting our inner thoughts. SO steemers write your heart will not be judged. 

2. Transparency is Reciprocal 

If there is one thing that I appreciate about Steemit (besides getting paid to blog... cmon who isn't stoked about this) is the fact that Steemit has been extremely transparent. From allowing us to see each others wallet to being open with us about the hack. This demeanor affects the users. I will give you an example.

Think of a business that is being managed by a rude, lazy unethical ignorant manager. Eventually the employees of this business will reflect the attitude of the manager hence affecting the business.

Chris Miksen a writer for StudioD put it this way and I quote from this link (

"Managers who make an effort to remain in constant contact with employees place emphasis on workplace communication. Managers who don’t communicate with their employees essentially tell them that communication isn’t important and isn’t needed in the workplace. A workplace that doesn’t practice effective communication often results in missed deadlines, incomplete or wrongly completed tasks and a lack of knowledge about new policies and guidelines. Effective communication requires managers to convey their thoughts and ideas to employees."

 Steemits transperancy has contributed more to us than we can possibly imagine. We are honest because Steemit is honest.

How does this affect both steemers and non steemers?

The world we live in is more secretive insecure and shadier than ever. Why? Because of FEAR. Fear of what someone will do or not do to us....fear of what others may or may not think about is. Fear of not having fear. 

Yesterday, I found myself being more open, positive and just sayin what was on my mind easily. It was almost as if there was a mental lubricant in my brain allowing my thoughts feeling and ideas to form smoothly into words and out of my mouth. I didn't have to think about it. I knew the reason.

You see there is a psychology behind writing your thoughts down. It even helps your immune system. This feeling of fearlessness will not only affect you....but also those around you. Positive vibes are contagious. By expressing our thoughts fearlessly with our fellow steemies we are in effect allowing ourselves to be more genuine, honest and transparent with those whom are close to us and in turn they will do the same with others.

So my fellow fearless and be steemful. Thank you for your time





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" fearless and be steemful."

I like that!