Supporting regional communities on Steemit is a key to deliver the final blow to Facebook and others.

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Regional communities

My country Poland has almost 40M people yet on Steemit there are... 133 folks! Now you must know that our Polish version of Reddit which is called WYKOP.PL has around 400 000 users.
See that potential for growth? It's a whooping 3000 times more! We should focus on areas with highest growth potential. Hack them. I must thank once again @noisy who is the most active Polish user bringing here people from Poland.

And it's like that all around the world. Imagine how many underrepresented communities, countries and languages are still out there. We are at the down of a big change. The change which will widespread like a virus which is still incubated in some fcking deep jungle, where are we now in terms of Steemit recognizability. Potential which they hold is just waiting to ignite it.

When we are talking about international communities let me introduce my friend from Philippines:

Although there is a drama around the Korean community I strongly believe that it's unnecessary and harmful for our future here. We don't want to drive people away from Steemit by being rude and downvoting them because they ,,erarn too much money"...

I'm personally doing an action too show people that they can earn here more than working some simple jobs. If they just share interesting stuff and provide for the community. Add value and it will return to you:


Mark Zuckerberg doesn't need your charity!

I'm a kinda guy who works behind enemy lines :) Confuse them before the main cavalry goes in. Why not to create an advertising (TROLLING) campaign on Facebook which will inform people that they are WASTING they TIME for NOTHING.



We should be bold! It's not the right time to prudential and humble.

Why not do the same on Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat? People are so absorbed with social media but they don't realize that they make some folks rich, getting nothing in return. If you post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you probably spent hours daily on using these platforms. You can treat them as a working hours. But ones which are done for ,,charity"; But I Don't think that Mark Zuckerbeg does need your charity!

Why not to go all the way?!


We've already seen Steemit billboards campaigns. Go step further. Create a fucking F1 Steemit team, or Nascar or whatever you get my idea. In the future we can send a Steemit satellite to secure our blockchain!

Journalists are highly underpaid in most of the countries. They are also losing theirs prestige as a corporate media ,,whores"; of the system. Why not try to convince some depressed journalists or writers who are getting screwed by publishers every time?

Get your politicians or social activist to come here. These people tend to spend insane amounts of money on promotion but here they will GET PAID for what are they doing.

Do you wanna help Steemit thrive? Invite your younger sister Sally and your friend who is passionate about something. Is your friend passionate about taking selfies for Instagram? Fine we need them too! It can't be all about geeks.

My insane predictions

In 3 years the amount of Steem being bought by companies and individuals for promotional purposes will be actually bigger then Steem inflation, causing deflation!

Steem is not only about Steemit!

Steemit will be only responsible for a small part of Steem growth because there will be other services build on Steem blockchain that will get popular around the world. Imagine that Steemit will get HUGE but it will be responsible only for 10% of Steem ecosystem which will be worth at that time, well...

Traditional social media, they are already pathetic dinosaurs they just can't see that Steemit asteroid coming yet.

You are still an Early Adopter!

I hate when people are crying on my shoulder that dude it's too late, I should had joined one year ago, or dude why I hadn't bought into bitcoin or this or that altcoin blahblah. There is always something new. Maybe this time is 80% harder that one year ago but one year from now it will be 8000% harder than now? Exponential growth baby. Just get your damn fat ass mind on higher level and produce!

When most people are going to be replaced whether by AI, automation on robots, they will need do to something. Many great minds, scientists, philosophers are wondering what humanity could do with their spare time when there will be no much work left. And the main answer is creativity! This is where we won't be ever replaced. And Steemit is one of the answers although it's just the beginning. The world 10 years from now will be nothing we can yet imagine.

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steemit is going far... i believe... thanks for sharing

That's a good idea - mention the STEEM community over at FB. Elaborate (in a finessed or CREATIVE way) how they could accomplish more [and earn more $ ] over here at STEEM.

Love your enthusiasm!

I'm so pumped hah.

Yes, you have it in a nutshell - communities all over the world!

Thank you for your support!

I agree. A year ago would have been the best time to start, but now is the second best!

All it requires is dedication, motivation and consistency!

I believe that there is always the right moment. Like one year ago I wasn NOT ready and there is no point to regret. Now is my starting point, the past is just nah.

Not only should we recruit communities from different regions, but we should recruit different ideologies as well. I know there are communities that want to get off of Reddit or leave their Facebook groups. They don't know about a better alternative. This is their chance to do it (and make money). We should actively recruit people and spread awareness to the platform.

Yes some of them certainly hate Reddit (Trump) or Facebook.

I obviously was referencing r/the_donald as the largest, but I would be afraid with bringing a lot of them over here. Some aren't bad, but too many at once could overwhelm the site and borderline take it over, ruining it for everyone. It's a risky bet to try to recruit. It could work out though since they are the kings of the circlejerk.

Oh thats right, like imagine 4chan here haha.

Yeah. It would bring tons of users, but it would be insane.

Si, hay que hacer que este lugar crezca
