Woah, I hit 200 followers already!? Thanks so much!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Just wanted to make this short post quickly to say thank you to everyone who's followed me! I only hit 100 followers maybe a week ago and I'm already up to over 200 now! That is amazing! I really thought it would take me at least a month to get here, since my content is so random/different than most people on here. I'm not too far off from 1k posts either which is also great! I've interacted with some really great people on here, and it's definitely my favorite part of this site, to be honest. I love chatting with you guys about knives, art, movies, or whatever else! If this momentum continues, then maybe I'd actually be able to make this into a part time type job which would be absolutely great for me :) So, again, thank you all for enjoying my content enough to give me a follow. I really, truly do appreciate it! 

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Congratulations, keep going and working hard !!

Thank you! I'm trying, haha! Gonna keep grinding as hard as I can on here, because I'd love to be able to make a living out of this sometime :)

That's my goal too, all the best for the future

Cheers man! I just hit 100 and I'm feeling untouchable..

Congratulations on hitting 100, man! Keep it up!

teach me your ways im stuck around 40

Haha, I don't know what to really tell you unfortunately. My only advice would be stay consistent with posting, and only post stuff your passionate about and enjoy. That's basically what I've been doing anyways! I'm sure you'll get to 100 followers sometime soon, just keep at it!